Dragon Claiming

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The Dragonpit, King's Landing

87 AC

"We shouldn't do this." thirteen year old Rhaenys whispered as the two girls snuck into the dragon pit.

"Please Rhae? Kepa say's I'm too young but I really want a dragon." seven year old Rhaella hissed back. "Grandmother, Grandfather, Kepa, and Uncle Aemon are Dragonriders. So was my mother. Why can't we be too?"

Rhaenys squeezed her cousins's hand and soon, they clambered out of the secret tunnel and into the Dragonpit.

The Dragonpit was a huge domed castle at the crown of Rhaenys's Hill. The main gate consisted of massive doors, mainly bronze with some iron, and were so wide that thirty knights could ride through it at once.

A score of lesser entrances were also present, some of them were oak-and-iron doors. The building's walls were thick and the roof strong.

A huge dome was constructed above the pit. Benches were located in the pit itself, which could seat eighty thousand.

Within the structure, long brick-lined tunnels have been dug deep into the hillside, fashioned like caves, five times as large as the dragon's lairs on Dragonstone. Beneath the dome, there were forty huge undervaults which had been carved in a great ring. 

These man-made caves were closed off at both sides by thick iron doors. The inner doors opened on the sands of the pit itself, and the outer doors opened to the hillside.

And the greatest feature of the Dragonpit: the dragons.

Vermithor and Silverwing were curled up together, which made sense since they were mates. Silverwing had just laid a new clutch of eggs only two days ago.

Vhagar slumbered in a tightly curled ball, the second largest dragon only to Balerion, who was riderless since Aerea Targaryen's death and was sleeping, a titanic hulk of black scales.

There was Caraxes as well, Aemon's dragon. Meleys was there as well, riderless since Alyssa's death three years ago.

Rhaella only vaguely remembered her mother, but she clearly remember her mother's face, laugh, and voice. A stab of grief went up in her heart for her mother and brother Aegon, who had died shortly before his first birthday.

"Do you want Meleys?" Rhaenys murmured, the two princesses sticking to the shadows to avoid the Dragonkeepers spotting them.

Rhaella thought about it. "No, I don't want my mother's ghost haunting me through Meleys. The Red Queen deserves a new rider."

Her eyes caught on Dreamfyre, the mount of the late Rhaena Targaryen sleeping peacefully. 

Balerion was the largest, followed by Vhagar, then Vermithor, and Dreamfyre and Silverwing tied for fourth, Dreamfyre being just a bit bigger then the silver she dragon.

Visenya had gifted Jaehaerys dragon horns before her death, training him how to use them. 

He taught Alysanne, and they taught their children, and Aemon, Baelon, and Alyssa helped their parents with keeping the dragon healthy, using the dragon horns to take them on flights twice every day.

Alyssa had been the best. She had been able to make the dragons do complicated tricks, or so Baelon told his children.

This brought in tourism for the people visiting King's Landing to see the dragons, and that meant a healthy stream of money that went to the royal treasury.

"I want Dreamfyre." she whispered and made a beeline for Dreamfyre. The pale blue she dragon stirred.

Little Valyrian. What do you want? Dreamfyre said.

For you to not be lonely. Rhaella answered. She was aware that the Dragonkeepers had spotted her and Rhaenys, who had just claimed Meleys.

Dreamfyre purred. That will be lovely.

And the bond snapped in place.

Rhaella mounted Dreamfyre who was unchained. Dreamfyre launched into the sky, Meleys following as the two she dragons soared into the sky.

The Red Keep, King's Landing

87 AC

The princesses's claiming dragons of their own was overshadowed by Viserra's death that very same night. 

While Rhaenys and Rhaella had claimed dragons, Viserra had sunk out of the Red Keep, and had been thrown from her saddle into a wall, and she died of a broken neck at the age of fifteen.

The tenth born child of Jaehaerys was cremated and her ashes put in Dragonstone.

They were grounded for a month before Alysanne began teaching them how to use the dragon horns.

That is today's chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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