The Grandchildren

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Throne Room, the Red Keep

113 AC to 114 AC

Daenaera and Rhaenyra were pregnant soon after the wedding. Viserys, Corlys, and Borros were utterly delighted with this.

Alicent was pregnant as well. While Daenaera and Alicent were at the capital, Rhaenyra, Daveth, and Borros returned to Storm's End.

So the three women went along their pregnancies together.

Daenaera gave birth first in 114 AC, giving birth to Prince Aemon Targaryen on the seventh day of the first month. 

Aemon was named in honor of his great grandfather, and the unification of the lines of the Spring Prince and his namesake. Celebrations erupted for Aemon's birth, with grain being distributed to the smallfolk on Dorian's command.

Rhaella flew Dreamfyre to Storm's End to be with her daughter during her pregnancy.

A fortnight later, Rhaenyra birth at Storm's End to twins Orryn Baratheon and Jocelyn Baratheon. 

Orryn was named in honor of Orys Baratheon, while Jocelyn was named for her Jocelyn Baratheon, the mother of Princess Rhaenys and the would have been Baratheon Queen.

Orryn was an exact copy of his father. He sported the Baratheon  black hair and blue eyes.

On the other hand, while Jocelyn had black hair like her twin brother she had inherited Rhaella's purple eyes.

Borros threw a feast, and Rhaella stuck around to attend it.

Already there was talk at the royal court and at the Baratheon Court for Jocelyn to marry Aemon like the two namesakes and to reunite House Baratheon and House Targaryen.

Rhaella knew Borros would back Dorian with Rhaenyra's marriage to Daveth, but he would be a devout supporter of Dorian if his granddaughter would be the bride of the future King.

So the Skystrider made a mental note to talk about this with Dorian and Rhaenyra.

And Alicent gave birth to another son. Prince Daeron Targaryen.

Rhaella flew back to the royal court after being assured Rhaenyra would be well taken care of. 

Maegor's Holdfast, The Red Keep

114 AC

"Having them be milk brothers won't fix anything, Viserys." Rhaella said coldly.

"I just wish for our family to be united—" the Young King protested.

"There would be no infighting if you hadn't married your whore!" Rhaella yelled, standing up furiously. "Alicent doesn't care. The boy is Alicent's own blood. She wants him on the throne."

Rhaella turned around and stormed out of the room.

Even if it was the last thing she did, she would ensure her son would win the future civil war.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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