Rising Tensions

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Maegor's Holdfast, the Red Keep

107 AC

"I heard the news." Daemon said, strolling up to his older sister.

"The moment Viserys dies, war will break out between Dorian and Alicent's pathetic whelp." Rhaella said. "Who will you stand with. Your son or me?"

"With my family." Daemon said. "With my sister. The bastard in Alicent's belly means nothing to me—let Viserys raise him."

"Thank you." Rhaella murmured softly.

Castle Sept, the Red Keep

107 AC

The wedding feast was tense. Alicent had quickly realized that despite being the new Queen, the court loathed her and would never officially accept her as Queen.

"I have a few announcements." Viserys said. The court grumbled but quieted.

"I hereby appointed my son, Dorian Targaryen, as Prince of Dragonstone and my heir. All of my children and descendants with my sister-wife, Rhaella, will come before Alicent and I's children and descendants. I also announce the betrothal between my son and heir, Dorian Targaryen, and Lady Daenaera Velaryon Their wedding will happen in 114 AC." Viserys declared.

Alicent went red, flushing in anger. Her son should be the heir, not Rhaella's whelp!

"I do hope we can get along." she whispered through gritted teeth. "We are sisters after all."

Rhaella gave her a look so cold that Alicent flinched.

 "Try and usurp my son's birthright, and I will kill everyone you love, with Fire and Blood." the silver-white haired Queen murmured. She gave a look of a dragon having found its prey. 

"May the best queen win, Alicent." the Sky Queen finished.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Also, Aegon is Viserys. Alicent made sure to drink moon tea whenever she fucked Daemon.  Aegon was conceived by Viserys.

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