Interlude: The Royal Progress (part 4)

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White Harbor, the North

Early 124 AC

From what Helaena's Septa told her, she was supposed to be meek, obedient, and essentially "a mindless over glorified baby factory" as her mother sarcastically put.

But she was the daughter of Rhaella Targaryen—and she was not a sheep.

She was a dragon.

"Maybe you should have a dance teacher remind you where you put your hands." Helaena hissed to Ser Thomas Manderly when his hand drifted far to down her backside.

Thomas let her go and Baelon easily swept her into a dance.

"Do you want me to tell Dorian what just happened, or can I be the one who bashes his teeth in?" Baelon asked.

"I can handle it. But thank you for the idea." Helaena smiled brightly.

Thomas Manderly suffered a horse kicking him in the face the next day.

Winterfell, the North

Early 124 AC

"Can I give you applause for dealing with your uncle, Lord Stark?" Daenaera inquired. "I'm impressed."

"Thank you, Your Grace." Cregan said. "I know longer needed a regent... but he didn't get the message."

"I do hope your prove yourself, Lord Stark. You have much promise." Rhaella said mildly.

"I hope to live to your expectations, Queen Rhaella." Cregan said firmly.

Aemon, Aelyx, Visenya, Viserra, Jocelyn, Rhaelon, and Rhaelle firmly enjoyed the snow and the snowball fights. Viserra became fond of the winter roses grown in Winterfell.

The Red Keep, King's Landing

Mid 124 AC

Alicent glared at the door as it swung open.

"Queen Rhaella Targaryen, Prince Dorian Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone, Princess Daenaera Targaryen of House Velaryon, Princes Aemon Targaryen, Aelyx Targaryen, and Rhaelon Targaryen, Princesses Visenya Targaryen, Viserra Targaryen, and Rhaella Targaryen, and Lady Jocelyn Baratheon!" the announced declared.

The Blacks entered the Throne Room, bowing while Rhaella walked up to her seat.

Alicent fumed silently as the lords gave the Sky Queen more respect than her!

It was never suppose to be like this. Alicent sulked. She was suppose to be Queen, to have the respect of great lords and ladies, for her blood to sit on the Iron Throne.

Now, her sons had little respect, Helaena refused to acknowledge her as her mother, and the Blacks were growing stronger every day.

But Aegon will sit on the Iron Throne. Even if it is the last thing I do.

That is the end of the royal progress arc. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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