Interlude: The Royal Progress (part 2)

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Casterly Rock, the Westerlands

Mid 123 AC

Tyland knew that Jason wanted to marry Joanna Tarth, the daughter of Rhaella's Lady in Waiting Aella Velaryon.

Joanna currently served as Daenaera Velaryon's Lady In Waiting, along with Rohanne Tyrell, Melissa Arryn, Alarra Baratheon, Jennifer Redwyne, their sister Jessica Lannister, and Marina Tully.

Joanna had long silver hair and beautiful blue eyes. Jessica had confirmed that Joanna was the perfect candidate for Lady Lannister.

Jason was now (successfully) wooing and courting Joanna.

"Has Lord and Lady Tarth given their permission?" he inquired Queen Rhaella. Aella Velaryon had been Rhaella's Lady in Waiting.

"Yes." Rhaella said calmly. She smiled when she saw her grandson Aemon dance with Jocelyn Baratheon, both children tripping over themselves to keep up with the adults.

"Should we tell him?" Tyland said.

"Must we?" Jessica snickered, joining them.

Ashmark, the Westerlands

Mid 123 AC

At Ashmark came Aemon's eight birthday. So a feast was held in honor of the little prince.

Aemon could not leave his seat of honor at the feast, and only years of etiquette drilled into him by his grandmother kept him for getting overwhelmed.

Jocelyn had Dorian pick up her seat so she could sit next to him. "Happy name day, Aemon." the purple eyed Baratheon smiled, handing over a black silk handkerchief embroidered with the Targaryen dragon.

Out of all of his gifts, the handkerchief from his cousin (and crush) was his favorite.

Riverrun, the Riverlands

Late 123 AC 

Baelon and Helaena joined them at Riverrun.

Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, while young, were perfectly healthy and had endured the dragon flight.

Jaehaerys was always smiling and laughing. Jaehaera was quieter then her twin but she was a happy babe.

"He looks like my grandmother." Rhaella said quietly, holding Jaehaerys. "He has the Old King's nose, chin, and smile."

"Do they have an egg?" Aelyx asked. He and Rhaena were sitting together, holding hands, Rhaella noticed.

"Not yet." Baelon said.

Aelyx exchanged a look with the younger daughter of the Rogue Prince.

"Don't worry, they'll have time to claim dragons." Dorian said. "They're are plenty of eggs and hatchlings when they get older."

Harrenhal, the Riverlands

Late 123 AC

The party stayed at Harrenhal for the new year celebrations.

"You want to turn Harrenhal into a city?" Daenaera repeated.

"That is what my father and I wish to do." Harwin said.

"So do I." Jocasta elbowed her husband.

"It is a good idea." the Sky Queen said, purple eyes thoughtful.

"Then the crown will support this project." Dorian added.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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