Spies on the Inside

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Rhaella's Chambers, Maegor's Holdfast

122 AC

Rhaella objected to marrying Helaena to Baelon at thirteen. Viserys refused to listen and insisted she was of age.

She had gained more grandchildren in the eight years since Aemon's birth. He had recently flown his she dragon, Tessarion.

Visenya had named her lilac and black scaled she dragon Shrykos while Aelyx had named his white and bronze scaled dragon Morghul.

Following Aelyx and Visenya, Dorian and Daenaera had three more children. 

Princess Viserra Targaryen was born at High Tide in 117 AC. The silver-white haired and purple eyed babe was a tiny copy of Rhaella—and she had been given an egg that hatched into a silver and frost colored hatchling (now a drake) named Snowreaver.

The last two children were twins Rhaelon and Rhaelle Targaryen, born in 119 AC. Their eggs had hatched as well—the pink and gray hatchling named Nightfall from Rhaelle's egg and from Rhaelon's egg came a crimson and gold hatchling named Vermax.

Daemon had married Laena Velaryon and they had twin daughters. Baela had a drake named Moondancer and while Rhaena's first hatchling had died, she had claimed another one—a male drake named Stormreaver who had scales the color of storms.

Laena had died in 120 AC to a stillborn babe. Vhagar had been claimed promptly by Aemond, to the Blacks displeasure.

But while Vhagar was huge, she couldn't fight off multiple adult dragons at once.

But right now, the purple eyed Queen was focused on getting a spy on the inside.

Mysaria, the Mistress of Whispers, had reported that House Hightower had forced Lord Redwyne to agree to marry his daughter, Emilia Redwyne, to Aegon.

"Thank you for bringing her to me, Jocasta." Rhaella nodded. Emilia looked terrified when she saw the Sky Dragon.

Jocasta curtseyed. "Shall I fetch tea, Your Grace?"

"Yes please." Rhaella nodded and the Royce lady left.

"Please sit, Emilia. I am not mad at you." the silver-white haired queen spoke. 

Emilia did sit down. "Please stop the wedding, Your Grace! I do not love Prince Aegon. House Redwyne is loyal to you, the true Queen!"

"I know." Rhaella said. "But I can not do much. But I can help you in the long run."

"What do you need, Your Grace?" the Redwyne lady inquired.

"I need you to be my spy. When the time comes and if the Blacks win the future civil war, then I will ensure any children you have with Aegon are safe and that you are free to marry whomever you want." Rhaella revealed.

"I can do that." Emilia grinned.

"Good." the Queen of Dragons grinned, purple eyes smoldering with fire.

"Long live Dorian Targaryen, the First of His Name." Emilia vowed.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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