Battle Lines

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The Red Keep, King's Landing

113 AC

Prince Dorian Targaryen and his sister, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, came of age, turning sixteen in 113 AC. Both of them loved by the smallfolk, just like their mother.

Prince Dorian had helped with ending the bandits in the Crownlands, burning their hideouts. He had personally killed the leader of the most dangerous gang, Ser Simon Whitefoot, who was called the Bloody Knight.

The Dragon Knight, the singers dubbed the violet eyed heir of the Iron Throne.

Rhaenyra was hailed the 'Realm's Delight' and considered the most beautiful maiden in Westeros. The rider of Syrax was courted by many, but preferred her betrothed, Ser Daveth Baratheon.

Dorian officially took up Dragonstone as his seat, many predicted his reign would be prosperous like his great grandfather, for he rode Vermithor and wielded Blackfyre, granted to him after his knighting.

And with the twins's coming of age, came the preparations.

Daenaera had turned sixteen as well. Dubbed the Pearl of the Sea for her beauty, and loved by the smallfolk as the White Lady.

Per Rhaella's and Viserys's deal, the youngest child of the Queen Who Never Was and the Sea Snake claimed Silverwing in 107 AC, on the same day Viserys wed Alicent.

Daveth also turned sixteen as well. As such, a grand double wedding was planned for the future couples.

But now, allegiances were being made more firmly.

House Baratheon and the Stormlands, House Arryn and the Vale, House Stark and the North, the Faith, House Velaryon and the Blackwater Bay Houses, and the northern part of the Reach backed Rhaella and the Blacks for Dorian to ascend the Iron Throne.

House Lannister and the Westerlands along with House Tyrell had yet to choose a side, along with House Greyjoy and the Iron Islands.

House Hightower and the southern part of the Reach backed Alicent and the Greens for Aegon to ascend the Iron Throne. Multiple marriages had been made to consolidate the Reach around Alicent.

Named as such for during a tourney at Casterly Rock in 111 AC to celebrate the eighth year of Viserys's reign, Rhaella, Dorian, and Rhaenyra had dressed dramatically in the black and red of House Targaryen, while Alicent wore a green gown.

For when House Hightower called its vassals to war, the fire of the Hightower was burned green.

As such, it became common to refer to Rhaella and her party as the Blacks, and Alicent and her party as the Greens.

The battle lines had been drawn. 

The fuse set.

And all it would take a single spark to explode.

That is today's chapter. I hope you have all enjoyed it!

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