Interlude: Schemeing

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The Red Keep, King's Landing

107 AC

Prince Aegon Targaryen was born hale and healthy. 

Despite Alicent's comments, Viserys refused to make him Prince of Dragonstone.

Rhaella spend a majority of her time with her children, doing charity work, exercising the dragons, and politicking.

The Velaryon's were on her side due to Daenaera and Dorian's betrothal, and the rest of the houses in the Blackwater Bay followed.

With the Faith declaring not so subtly for Dorian, the Vale, pious folk they were, followed.

The Stormlands were willing to join her with Dorian and Daenaera's future marriage, but she was considering Borros's only son, ten year old Daveth Baratheon, a good match for her daughter.

So the Sky Dragon arranged for Daveth to squire under Harrold Westerling, and noticed how to heir of the Stormlands and Rhaenyra instantly got along. 

She could see the hints of future romance in the innocent puppy love the two had.

Another concession that wasn't announce but Viserys granted her was the ability to arrange her children and grandchildren's betrothals and marriages herself, not Viserys.

Borros agreed to the match swiftly when she approached him. Rhaenyra didn't make to much of a fuss when the betrothal was announced.

Her ladies were also married or betrothed.

Danielle Strong had been married to Lord Gilbert Blackwood. They had a single son: Samwell Blackwood in 105 AC, though she had died from complications in childbirth.

Aella married Henry Tarth in 103 AC. The couple had four children: Mason Tarth, born in 103 AC, Seamus Tarth and Samantha Tarth in 105 AC, and Joanna Tarth in 107 AC.

Jocasta was married too Harwin Strong. Since Harwin was Daemon's second in command of the City Watch, she would be able to stay at court.

The couple had two children: Vincent Strong, born 103 AC, Alysanne Strong, born 105 AC.

Olenna married Matthos in 103 AC, and had four children: William Tyrell in 103 AC, Elenda Tyrell in 105 AC, and twins Rohanne Tyrell and Mina Tyrell in 107 AC.

And Ella Manderly, now seventeen had arranged her own match to Olenna's brother, Hector Redwyne. Ella and Hector were betrothed and would marry in 108 AC, when Ella was eighteen.

The Red Keep, King's Landing

108 AC

"Baelon is three." Rhaella glared at her brother-husband.


"We will wait." the rider of Dreamfyre said firmly. "Until he is older and then we will start discussing betrothals."

"Very well." Viserys said.

The Red Keep, King's Landing

109 AC to 110 AC

Princess Helaena Targaryen was born on the ninth day of the seventh month.

And promptly neglected by her mother in favor of her older brother, Aegon.

So Rhaella took in the infant princess. The silver-white haired Queen raised her like her own—to the point where Helaena's first word, in front of court, was calling Rhaella mama.

The Sky Queen did not discourage this, but instead encouraged it.

And when Aemond Targaryen was born in 110 AC, Rhaella pretended to not notice how Alicent raised her son.

Baelon had taken over as Helaena's little protector. He had yet to claim a dragon or drake for himself, but he put an egg in Helaena's cradle.

Daemon had mentioned that the two could get married, depriving Aegon of his best choice of a bride, and a child of Baelon and Helaena could marry Daenaera and Dorian's possible child.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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