Chapter 2 - Hisashi Midoriya: New Beginnings

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It was under circumstances like these that Okora was thankful for the fact that despite the Saiyans being a [former] key piece of the Freeza Force, their planet was closer to the outskirts of the empire's reach. Whether it was Freeza's contempt for the Saiyan race or just happenstance didn't matter, as it wound up making the lone survivor's escape all the easier. Okora knew how to suppress his ki signature so his power level wouldn't be picked up by any scouters, and the personal pod he had been granted by King Vegeta was manufactured solely by the royal engineers so that only other royal Saiyan tech could detect and follow its coordinates. This ensured it didn't have any of Freeza's own tracking devices installed, which enabled Okora's escape.

Another boon that the planet's position granted Okora was the fact that Earth was only a few weeks' distance away. It wasn't optimal, per se, as quite a few years had passed since Okora had recorded the planet privately. Due to the nature of star system movements being independent from others, Vegeta and Earth drifted apart significantly, but not enough to make the trip unbearably long. All things considered, it was still a rather short ETA compared to other scouting missions the Saiyan scholar had dealt with in the past. Of course, unlike those scouting missions, his destination was now a permanent residence since his own planet had died at the hands of that tyrannical bastard.


The week that it took to reach Earth was a rather boring one. It wasn't a super surprising conclusion given that there wasn't anyone to keep Okora company. Nevertheless, a week had indeed passed and the last Saiyan now found himself just outside of Earth's orbit. Okora took control of the pod manually and maneuvered around the planet until he came across a land mass vaguely shaped like a crescent. Checking the records he transferred from his scouting pod, he recalled that this mass was known as Japan.

"Hmm... the last time I was here, Japan looked like it was in the middle of a huge shift of social power." Looking down at his live view, it seemed to be much more at peace, though still not perfect. Then again, no world is perfect, so who was he to judge? Okora activated the zoom function on his viewing screen.

"Now, where to land, where to land..." The Saiyan rambled to himself as he surveyed the different regions of the island nation. "I don't want to draw attention and be in a too populated area, but I also want to be near ample resources. I wonder if I could access any population archives."

Okora turned on the pod's frequency scanner and sent the search command on the console. It took a bit less time than he expected, and within the next 5 minutes he was looking at a listing of all of Japan's officially recognized regions and most recent census counts. Scanning the top 15 and cross-referencing with other records detailing important services and resources, he decided on the Shizuoka prefecture. It was near the top in terms of population and had plentiful governmental and social resources as a result, as well as good institutions. However, it wasn't the only major point, so he could reasonably enter without being spotted.

"Lucky me," The Saiyan remarked. "There's a mountain range not far from a government building. I can probably land there."

Turning off the live view and closing his command prompt, Okora took control of the vessel from the autopilot and carefully flew over to the nearby mountains. Normally he wouldn't waste time or fuel on careful maneuvers, but he wanted to avoid drawing unneeded attention. With the few records he gleaned when he first recorded Earth, he was aware of the atrocities humanity was capable of. He could only pray to the stars that the people in the government he met not only believe him but don't cast him out or try anything unpleasant.

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