Chapter 6 - The Offer

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Five months after their first encounter, Toshinori became a regular fixture in Izuku and Katsuki's after-school training regimen. To both boys' surprise, the man brought snacks and juice almost every time they met up so they could keep training. His tips proved very beneficial, arguably on the same level as their mentor Hisashi's, albeit a bit clumsily said and demonstrated.

Day by day, week by week, Toshinori grew more confident in the two boys. He could feel the core of One For All reaching out to them both. At this point, he didn't care which one accepted; he just hoped one of them would take his offer of the quirk. His time was running out fast.

On the other side, Izuku and Katsuki could tell that the man they were now 100% sure was All Might wanted to say something but was struggling to bring it up. They, too, were nervous about what it might be, especially after talking to Hisashi about his weird ki.


"That's extremely weird, but I expected to hear this eventually if you met him." Hisashi said.

"Really?" Izuku replied. Katsuki raised his eyebrows in surprise at the Saiyan's thoughts.

"I've been curious, so I reached out to feel his ki a few times. Seeing him on the news gave me an idea of where to search, and I could sense multiple energies within him. What's weirder, though, is I felt a second similar ki signature elsewhere. I can't pinpoint the location, likely due to some sort of cloaking quirk, but there are multiple energies in them as well. Only two people have this, and I've never felt the second one move from the same general vicinity in years, so that's definitely All Might."


In any case, it seemed like Toshinori was ready to speak, as he asked the boys to stay when they would usually wrap up their cleaning and training.

Izuku stood facing Toshinori, his brother beside him, as the lanky blonde before them began to talk.

"I'm afraid I haven't been completely honest with you two about who I am or about my intentions in helping you. I'm sorry, but once I show you, I believe you'll understand why."

Both of them nodded silently, suspecting what Toshinori was about to do.

They were proven right as Toshinori began to swell and grow even taller, bulking considerably into a recognizable form.

"I am All Might. I understand if you think I'm an impostor, but I can pro- why aren't you reacting?"

All Might's look of confusion looked so funny to Izuku he wished he had a camera to capture the moment.

Katsuki decided to speak up for the two of them. "We kinda already figured that out, sorry."

All Might was left dumbstruck, eyes wide like dinner plates as he tried to stammer out a "how" in response.

Izuku cleared his throat, drawing the hero's attention to himself. "Aside from your blonde hair and smile being dead ringers, I can sense energy. Your energy as Mr. Toshinori was identical to your energy as All Might, just not as blindingly intense."

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