Chapter 1 - Hisashi Midoriya: Origins

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By all accounts, Okora was a relatively average, if not gentler than normal, Saiyan warrior. He held an even temper and humility that you'd expect a proud race of brutish warriors to mock and ostracize him for, but the hardened elite class of Saiyans knew not to upset Okora. What he lacked in raw power and experience he made up for with a quick wit and general intelligence.

This above-average intellect is probably what tipped Okora off to something being amiss when nobody else felt the same. Okora had just finished a scouting mission for a potential planet to conquer and add to Freeza's empire when an alert from his supervisor elite came through his scouter.

"Okora, this is Commander Aikon, come in. Are you there?"

Putting his hand up to his scouter, Okora answered. "Okora responding, Commander Aikon. What seems to be the problem?"

"You have new orders to return to Vegeta immediately, regardless of your mission's status."

The face Okora made would probably have been hilarious had the situation not been so unnerving. "If I may ask, Commander, why am I being called back with such urgency?"

The Saiyan scout could faintly make out a nervous gulp on the other line. "Lord Freeza has ordered all Saiyans back to the planet for an important address in the coming days. That's all I know. That's all anyone knows."

That gave Okora pause. Lord Freeza, sadistic as he may be, is still a forward-thinking tyrant. He wouldn't normally allow something so seemingly important to not be planned out and announced in advance. As much as he hated to admit it, you don't earn the title the Emperor of the Universe for nothing.

Pushing his suspicions to the back of his mind, for now at least, he replied obediently to his supervisor and made his way to his pod, setting course for home at maximum speed.

Why is Freeza calling us all back? Was the only thought on Okora's mind on the trip back to Vegeta. We've been near-perfect servants for him for the past three decades.


"Hey, Okora! Good to see you again!" A terraformer from his division, his old friend Silba, greeted the mild-mannered Saiyan with a firm handshake.

"It's been too long, Silba." Looking up for a few moments at all the pods coming in across the landing ports, Okora finally voiced his thoughts. "Do you know why Lord Freeza called us all back here? I don't recall anyone doing anything to slight him in a long time."

"Beats me, honestly." Silba shrugged. "I think you're just being a paranoid nerd like usual!"

Okora gave a small jab to his chuckling friend. Checking his scouter, he scanned the signatures of the rest of the off-planet Saiyans.

"Should be a little under a day until we're all here. Guess we just have to wait and see."

Silba slung himself over Okora's shoulder. "Don't be so worried Okora, I'm sure it's nothing! You'll see!"

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