Chapter 12 - Meet The Class!

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 "'Zuku is an alien, and he is kinda spacey!"

"Kacchan, stop it–"

"Coming from the uni-verse–"


"To party and go cra-zy!"

"I can't stop you, can I?" Izuku whined.

"HAH! Nope, but I'll stop on my own!" Katsuki barked while laughing.

"God dammit, Katsuki..." Izuku facepalms as Katsuki opens the door to 1-A, and they walk to their seats.

It only took a few moments after the morning bell for Aizawa to walk in, looking as tired as usual.

"I'm going to be honest. My patrol was absolute hell last night, so this will be a free period for you all. You better appreciate that because it won't happen a lot. I recommend you all get to know each other. Just try not to bug me unless it's an emergency."

Before anyone could respond, Aizawa had already zipped up his sleeping bag and slunk down behind the podium, leaving more than a few students questioning where on earth he was keeping that thing and how he got himself settled so fast.

Izuku's pink-skinned classmate regained her senses first. "I have an idea! How about we go around the room and introduce ourselves! We can start at seat one and go down the list. Name, quirk if you're comfortable sharing, and a fact about us?"

Nods and sounds of agreement rippled around the classroom, so they began going around.


"Monsieurs and mademoiselles, I am Yuga Aoyama!~" The blonde boy introduced himself first. He raised his shirt to reveal a stylized belt.

"My Navel Laser quirk is très magnifique! It lets me fire off powerful lasers from my navel, though I do need this belt to protect myself. A fun fact about myself is that I was raised in France and transferred to Japan in middle school!"


"Hiya! I'm Mina Ashido. My quirk is Acid!"

Ashido secreted a gray substance from the palm of her hand.

"I can make acid from my skin, and I can control the viscosity and solubility, and I have increased resistance to it."

She flexed her arm playfully. "That resistance is actually why my skin is pink! It turned pink when I was a kid. My fun fact is that I take dance classes regularly!"


I'm Tsuyu Asui, ribbit, but please call me Tsu since I prefer if my friends and colleagues call me that. My quirk is Frog; I've developed frog-like abilities and behaviors like my longer tongue and my involuntary croaks, ribbit. My favorite food is raspberry jelly."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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