Chapter 9 - The Hero's Journey Begins

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To say that the week between the entrance exam and when the results were received in the mail was tense would be a gross understatement. Izuku and Katsuki spent most of the week sparring more brutally to pass the time and expel their nervous energy.

Of course, Izuku told Katsuki and his father how he had successfully used his Ikari transformation to save Uraraka from the malfunctioning zero-point robot during the exam. While the latter was very proud and showed Izuku as much by smothering him with love – much like Inko inadvertently taught him – the former demanded that Izuku use it on him that instant.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Kacchan?" Izuku asked worriedly. "Yeah, I used it, but it's extremely powerful, and I don't yet have full control."

"You ain't ever gonna GET full control if you don't use it more, dumbass!" Katsuki jokingly swatted at his brother's messy green curls, his ever-present competitive grin slowly wearing down the half-Saiyan's resolve.

"I-I guess, but still..."

"While I would normally agree with you and promote exercising caution," his father said, "I'm siding with Katsuki this time. You cannot force the Ikari state, but you cannot be passive either. Katsuki is your best partner for gaining mastery of your transformed state, as your deep connection to him will most likely be able to override any primal instincts that would otherwise cause you to lash out mindlessly. If it would ease your concerns, I can attend your sparring sessions when using it."

Izuku mulled his father's words over in his mind for a moment.

"Alright. I'll do it, but one of you has to tell me if I get too into it, alright?"


Izuku cleared his mind as he readied himself to transform. He stood a reasonable distance from Katsuki on the beach while his father sat on a nearby refrigerator they planned to destroy when they were done. Katsuki had pushed his One For All percentage up to 12% and was standing at the ready.

The greenette opened his eyes and drew upon the primal energy in his core, letting the waves crash through his limbs and his head as he transformed. He snarled with a wild smirk while he bulked up, white lightning arcing across his muscles. He noticeably gained some height, hair standing on end just like before.

As the transformation completed, he let out an animalistic roar and flung himself toward Katsuki, throwing a punch the blonde barely had enough time to block with his arms in an X shape. The pure power behind the blow made Katsuki skid backward a few meters despite his best efforts not to.

Unlike in their previous spars, Izuku didn't give his brother a chance to counter on his own. Instead, he spun into a roundhouse kick aimed just below his ribcage. Only the years of training Izuku's father had put them through kept Katsuki from being taken down in two hits, jumping to the side and allowing Izuku's attack to whiff. As Izuku spun around, he fired a 10% Azido blast into his back.

While Izuku was forced away further by the attack, not even his clothes were damaged. He simply turned around with a feral, wide-eyed grin.

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