Chapter 3 - Izuku Midoriya

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Eight years of love, effort, and care have led Inko and Hisashi Midoriya to this moment. Sat in Dr. Tsubasa's office is the couple and their five-year-old son Izuku Midoriya. Nearly all of Izuku's classmates have gotten their quirks, but he hasn't yet. While Inko remained worried, Hisashi shared no such feeling.

Dr. Tsubasa also had no real worry. He had been selected as the family's doctor after a rigorous interviewing process by Tsukauchi to ensure that he could be trusted with the secret of the Saiyans.

"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Midoriya, little Izuku, I have the test results with me."Inko held her son's shoulders as Izuku's eyes grew in excitement. "What's the determination, doctor?"

"I'll be honest with you, Mrs. Midoriya," the quirk doctor began, removing his tinted glasses.

"Due to your son's unique case, I wasn't expecting to see him develop a quirk, and I was correct. Izuku here is quirkless."

Hisashi noted that the room suddenly felt colder as the parents looked toward their now pale child. Inko had immediately wrapped the boy in a tight hug while the full-blooded Saiyan merely held his shoulder.

"A-are you sure, doctor?" Inko spoke with a shaky tone, tears streaming down her cheeks. "M-my little Izu just has to have a quirk!"

"As I've said in past appointments, Mrs. Midoriya, given Izuku's Saiyan biology, it was unlikely that he would develop a quirk. Not just that, but there isn't a mark for a quirk anywhere in his genome."

Hisashi raised a brow at the declaration. "You mean Izuku didn't even inherit the quirk gene from his mother? I would've thought at least the quirk capacitor gene would have been passed down."

Tsubasa shrugged his shoulders before clearing his throat. "Mr. Midoriya, you've mentioned that the Saiyan genome is fairly unstable, correct?"

"Yes, I did mention that. We are prone to mutation due to the radiation we need to transform into our Ōzaru form, though the mutations have remained benign and minuscule."

"Well, it's my theory that your Saiyan genetics possess traits that, when compared to your wife's human genetics, are dominant. Of course, this may not be the case since this is the first recorded instance of human-Saiyan interbreeding for obvious reasons. Still, it seems that the Saiyan traits that lead to the Ōzaru have taken the form of a dominant trait in your son versus the quirk traits of humans, showing to be recessive."

A slight cough interrupted the discussion between adults as Izuku looked up to the family doctor. "D-do... do you think I can still be a h-hero, Dr. Tsubasa?"

The broken tone had all three of them hesitate, but Tsubasa recovered quickly and knelt down to the greenette, placing his hand on his knee.

"Kiddo, anyone can be a hero, quirk or no quirk." The quirk doctor firmly stated. "You're a unique case, Izuku, you'll likely grow to be powerful like your father, but even if you were a normal quirkless human, I would still say you can be a hero. It's the heart and the mind that makes a hero, not the quirk or power."

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