Chapter 7 - An UnfortunAte Series of Events

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Katsuki stood in Gym Gamma with a surprisingly large audience. Nedzu agreed to let him, Izuku, and their families come to U.A. that Sunday since the campus would be relatively empty except for some administrators.

The principal and All Might seemed to have invited a couple other people, likely the others that All Might said knew about One For All. As much as Katsuki didn't like doing people stuff, he supposed introductions were in order now that everyone was gathered.

He bowed to the two unknown people – a shorter elderly man in what was clearly a hero costume and a taller, lanky man who felt familiar to him – in a show of respect.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Katsuki Bakugou."

The two men bowed in return as Katsuki straightened back up.

"I'm Sorahiko Torino," the elderly man said, "I trained the blonde oaf with One For All when he first got the quirk as the hero Gran Torino. Good to see you young brats still have manners."

The taller man spoke next. "I'm Mirai Sasaki, All Might's former sidekick Sir Nighteye."

Katsuki couldn't help the grin that spread across his face at the confirmation of his suspicion.

Nighteye continued as he stood straight, adjusting his glasses with his large fingers while he walked in Katsuki's direction. "I'll be honest, I'm not here for goodwill. I'm here to see how hard you fail trying to use One For All."

"Eh?!" Katsuki shouted, stomping right in front of the pro. "What the hell, four-eyes?"

"How dare you?!" Izuku stepped up angrily behind Katsuki.

All Might spoke up in Katsuki's defense. "That's enough, Mirai! I told you that Young Katsuki is my successor, and that's final! Young Togata is a fine boy, but I've given One For All to young Katsuki, and it will stay that way!"

"Mirio is a much more suitable candidate than this child, All Might, and you know it! I've been training him to have the skills you lacked!" Nighteye countered, taking his eyes off Katsuki and his best friend.

"One For All was my quirk, Mirai! It was never your choice of who it went to, and now that it's in Young Katsuki's hands, I'll be damned if you try to make him feel unworthy!"

Reaching a hand out to use his quirk, Nighteye spoke again. "How could an arrogant, brash brat coming out of middle school be worthier than a groomed young man properly trained to hand–"

"Shut your fucking mouth!" Came a bellowing screech.

Turning to face the source, those gathered find a trembling Izuku. Ozone fills their nostrils as his pants permeate the sound waves. His clothes float in the current that wasn't there previously, glaring a burning hole through Sir Nighteye's shocked gaze. His hair stood on end, and Katsuki noticed his eyes had changed from kind emerald green to scorching gold.

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