Chapter 10 - Interlude: Hisashi Meets The Heroes

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Hisashi wasn't sure what to expect when he made his way to U.A. High. He accepted Nedzu's job offer at the prestigious institution the day before. The principal almost instantly replied, giving him the job description and the salary and benefits of his position. Shortly after Hisashi confirmed his interest in the position, Nedzu gave him the time to meet at U.A. for an "emergency" staff meeting. He said he wanted Hisashi to personally vet the staff he'd be working with for their trustworthiness before revealing his true nature and putting pen to paper. After the meeting, if all went well, they would meet in his office to hash out the details.

Flashing the temporary I.D. barcode on one of the papers he brought to the scanner, the gate of the U.A. Barrier opened for him to walk through. Despite the labyrinth that was the campus – a design likely intentional part because of Nedzu's biology and part to combat intruders – Hisashi navigated the halls with ease thanks to sensing the All Might and Nedzu's ki.

The Saiyan scholar made his way to the meeting hall just a few minutes after arriving. He double-checked the door number with the papers he had before knocking on the door during the next lull in sound on the other side.

"Come on in!" A jovial voice spoke from behind the door. Needing no more, Hisashi opened the door and closed it behind him without turning around. He smiled and gave a slight bow to everyone in the room.

"Greetings. I am Hisashi Midoriya. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Mr. Midoriya here will most likely be our newest staff member!" Nedzu explained with his ever-present smile as he gestured for Hisashi to take the open seat before him, which he readily did.

A gruff white-haired hero in a skin-tight red ensemble – Vlad King, Hisashi's mind supplied from the staff list Nedzu gave him – scoffed with a raised eyebrow of suspicion. "'Most likely?' Nedzu, since when have you done 'most likely,' especially when hiring staff?"

A couple other staff members nodded their heads in agreement before Nedzu spoke. "The reasons for that are simple, Kan, though I will only share one right now: I can't read Hisashi!"

The principal's slightly widened grin as he stated the fact sent shocked chills down the spines of everyone in the room, save for Hisashi himself.

"Are you serious, Nedzu?" A woman in a provocative outfit – Midnight – asked nervously. "You've never been able to not read someone before."

Nedzu nodded. "Indeed! I've met Hisashi before; of course, I wouldn't dare allow someone I haven't seen in person to enter this institution for the reasons he is here today. His thought process fundamentally differs from the rest of us, so I have no frame of reference for his psychology!"

"That doesn't exactly fill anyone here with hope for his trustworthiness, Nedzu." A disheveled man Hisashi instantly recognized as Eraserhead from Izuku's ramblings said with exasperation.

"In most cases, you would be correct, Shouta," Nedzu replied, "but Hisashi has nowhere else to go aside from where he is now, and he's a close friend to both Naomasa and Toshinori!"

All Might took that cue to deflate into Toshinori with a chuckle and a grin while the rest of the staff stared in disbelief. "For once, I have something over on you, Aizawa!" He jabbed playfully.

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