Chapter 5 - A Change of Fate

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Izuku chuckled fondly at his brother's antics in class.

About a year and a half had passed since he and Katsuki brought up Izuku's rage-fueled outburst, and the latter had made great strides in controlling his power and temper. He wasn't perfect by any means; that took much more time than they had, but he had gotten good enough to keep the bullies at Aldera in line without going over said line himself.

Of course, such training didn't just hone his ability to suppress his ki and control his emotions. Training in raw strength and ki techniques with his father resulted in Izuku needing a new wardrobe that better fit his physique and handled his bursts of power when he slipped up. That was nothing to say about how far his technical skill had come during sparring sessions between him and Katsuki, though, and the two against the elder Saiyan. Katsuki was confident they could compete with less-experienced heroes and legacy children their age.

That same cocky attitude brought Katsuki and Izuku to where they were now, the former standing atop his desk and proclaiming that he and Izuku would be the only ones to make it into the heroics industry out of their entire class.

Izuku floated up to Katsuki – such a common occurrence at Aldera now that nobody batted an eyelash anymore when he decided to just not use his legs – and flicked him in the back of the head, earning him an indignant squawk and a venom-less glare for his effort.

"Don't get too worked up there, Kacchan. We're not in it to 'break into the industry,' right?"

Katsuki stared at the half-Saiyan before sighing with a small, genuine smile. "Yeah, yeah, it's to fuckin' save people, I know."

"Good," Izuku replied triumphantly while floating back to his seat, letting his blonde best buddy get down on his own.

Their teacher cleared his throat to regain the attention of the class. "Alright, settle down, everyone! Let's get back to the lesson now."

He hid his smirk at the collective groan by facing the whiteboard as he began writing.


"What do you need from us, Mr. Kawahara?"

Katsuki looked out the window with an annoyed glint in his eye. He had a feeling what their stupid brown-noser of a teacher wanted from them.

Their teacher cleared his throat, prompting Katsuki to face him now. "I won't keep you long, boys; You two must be busy with your hero preparations."

Katsuki narrowed his eyes and leaned toward Kawahara. "Yeah, we are, so make it snappy, teach!"

Before he could add any insults, Katsuki was pulled back by Izuku, who just shook his head with a small smile. Katsuki crossed his arms and grunted.

"Er, yeah..." Kawahara continued, standing up and giving the two boys a quick bow. "Anyway, I just wanted to thank both of you for helping the school's environment. Since you two enrolled in our school, we've had the lowest rates of bullying and bullying-related incidents!"

Izuku scratched the back of his head with another smile. "N-no worries, Mr. Kawahara, it's what heroes would do!"

Anyone else would have seen Izuku's smile and words as nervous humility, but Katsuki knew better. He knew his brother's tells more than his brother himself did. That was a strained, annoyed smile. His voice was similarly strained, wanting to leave the situation.

Katsuki just growled out a response, leveling an unamused glare at the teacher, who stiffened. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Are we good to go now?"

Not wanting to receive any more of the blonde's ire, Kawahara nodded without a word, gesturing to the open door for the both of them.

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