Chapter 11 - Class 1-A

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It would be a vast understatement to say Izuku and Katsuki were antsy as they walked through the hallways of U.A. to their homeroom. It's one thing to believe you did well in an exam, and it's another to learn you passed the exam. It's yet another to actually experience the fruits of your labor.

"I can't believe we're actually in Class 1-A, Kacchan; this is a dream come true!" Izuku practically vibrates in the air as he floats alongside Katsuki.

Katsuki snorts in amusement as he loosens his tie with a nervous twitching energy in his hand. "Cool your jets, nerd, don't wanna scare away the others."

In response, the greenette playfully shoved Katsuki with a chuckle. "I know, I know, it's just–"

"Yes, Izu, we've been working hard since we were brats, and it feels different. If I had a nickel for how many times you've told me that, I'd have two nickles."

Izuku raised an eyebrow. "That's not a lot, Kacchan..."

Katsuki flashed an evil grin. "But it's annoying that it's happened twice."

"KACCHAN!" Izuku squawked in mock offense with a hand on his heart. "How could you wound me so?"

Katsuki simply laughed maniacally at his best friend's reaction. "Alright, I think we're almost there."

Izuku nodded as he looked at the wall as they neared the next door. "I can feel Ochako's energy here, so probably."

"Ochako? Who the fuck is that?"

Izuku waved off Katsuki's question. "That girl you saw in the projector that I saved. I told her she could use my given name, and she responded in kind."

Katsuki smirked as they reached the gigantic door labeled for 1-A. "I see~"

Izuku gently smacked his brother's shoulder in faux annoyance. "Shut up, bomberanian. You ready?"

The blonde gave a nod, and Izuku opened the door after steadying his breath.


All the students in the room turned as Izuku and Katsuki walked in. Most held neutral gazes, but a few were somewhat awestruck — the ones in Izuku and Katsuki's testing centers. Izuku noticed an energy behind and below them and glanced to see if it was another student. He met eyes with a disheveled man in a yellow sleeping bag. Probably our teacher, he thought. Eh, I'll leave him be for now.

Two students instantly recognized the pair and walked over.

The brunette girl, sporting a huge, excited grin, spoke first. "Izuku, you made it in! I'm glad to see we're in the same class! Thanks again for saving me back at the exam!"

Izuku chuckled nervously and waved off Ochako's praise. "I'm sure others would've done the same. It's good to see you too, Ochako." He motioned to his blonde partner. "This is my best friend Katsuki Bakugou."

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