Chapter 20

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Once me and Hannah were both dressed we headed out the hotel door. Since we weren't going anywhere fancy I put on my black leggings, white converse, and Ashton's 5sos hoodie that he gave to me months ago. It still had a faded sent of him. We pulled up outside the boys apartment and got out. Okay well it wasn't there's. They were just renting out while they were in the UK. Anyway, not important. I knocked on the door and waited. I looked over at Hannah and she gave me a reassuring smile.

The door opened and I was faced with a very tired looking Ashton. I took this moment to quickly admire all of his features. His hair was all messy and you could see he had been running his hand through it constantly. His eyes were all puffy, clearly he'd been crying. His outfit was just tight black joggers with a white tshirt. Even though he looked unbearably hot, I felt bad. I was the reason his appearance looked this way. I made him upset and stressed.
It didn't take long for me to snap out of my thoughts and pull Ash into my arms.

"I've missed you so much babe." He whispered into my hair.

"I've missed you also."


I jumped and wrapped my legs around Ashton's waist while Hannah shut the door behind us. Ash carried me over to the sofa and sat down so I was sitting on his lap. I looked over to all the boys and smiled big. I was so glad things weren't awkward. Everything was going reasonably well. But that didn't last for long.

"Argh boys im hungry."

I snapped my head towards the female voice and there stood Brianna.

"Oh my god." I accidentally said out loud. quite loud also.

"Come for another piece of Michael?" I could hear the smirk in her voice. "Well go ahea-"

She turned towards me and her smirk disappeared. Making mine form.


"Oh please. If he was your 'boyfriend' would I be able to do this?"

I turned to Ashton and kissed him passionately. He straight away kissed me back and put his hands around my waist. Man I missed this. I was enjoying the kiss until I felt a tug on my hair and I fell to the floor.


I looked up and could see Cal, Luke and Ash all rushing over to me. I didn't see Mikey, Brianna or Hannah, however. I stood up and brushed myself off. I heard Brianna scream and I looked over to see Hannah on top of her, slapping her and pulling her hair. I contained my laughter and went over to the two of them. Me and Ash got Hannah while Cal and Luke got Brianna. But I still couldn't see Michael anywhere.

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