Chapter 5

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That night Ashton stayed at mine. I had no clue why though because he lived right above me. Me and Ashton both slept in my bed but nothing went on except from hugging. Lots of hugging. In fact we both laid in the same position all night. Me snuggled in his arms, my head on his chest.
However when I woke up, he was gone. There was a note left on my bedside table: good morning beautiful I had an amazing night last night. How about you meet me in my apartment and 12:30. The other boys will be gone by then.

At the moment, it was 10:30 so I had a few hours to do whatever. So I started by checking my twitter. Bad mistake. When I opened my laptop my I saw that my notifications had blown up. I had no idea why. Stupidly, I scrolled through practically every single one. All of them were hate. Someone must have spread the word about me and Ashton because that's what they were all about. It was all the same. 'You don't deserve ashton'
'Your so ugly'
'Kys, you took my ashton'
'Just die'

It was 12:00pm once I had finally read them all. I got in the shower, dried my hair, got dressed and done my makeup. I then made my way up to Ashton's door. I was half way through my knock and Ashton answered.


"Hi Ashton"

"So I was thinking we could go to the cinema?"


We climbed in Ashton's car again but this time it wasn't silent.

"Ashton I need to talk to you"

"Sure, anything babe. What's up?"

"Your fans"

"They're so lovely aren't they"

"Not quite"

"What do you mean"

He pulled over and I handed him my phone. I could see he was tearing up reading through all the tweets.

"I'm so sorry"

He genuinely did seen sorry but I just didn't know what to say. So I just took my phone out of his hand and told him to drive. That song from the Lego movie came on and straight away Ashton cheered up and sang along. This made me happy and my heart warmed up. I couldn't help but join in.

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