It's time to sleep

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It's time to sleep.
It's time to sleep, it's late.
It's time to sleep, it's quiet.
It's time to sleep, it's too quiet.
It's time to sleep, but you start to hear it.
It's time to sleep, but you start to listen to it.
It's time to sleep, but you start to think about it.
It's time to sleep, but you already thought about it.
It's time to sleep, but you started to remember.
It's time to sleep, but you feel guilty.
It's time to sleep, but you blame yourself.
It's time to sleep, but now you're haunted by the past. 
It's time to sleep, but you keep rewinding it like a tape.
It's time to sleep, but you can't forget the memory.
It's time to sleep, but when you feel like moving on, you remind yourself it's because of you.
It's time to sleep, but your mind keeps racing around the memory.
It's time to sleep, but you remind yourself of the failures.
It's time to sleep, but you remind yourself of what a terrible person you are.
It's time to sleep.
Remember anything else.
Anything else, but this.
It's time to sleep so remember who you once were.
It's time to sleep so remember everything you worked for.
It's time to sleep so dream.
Dream about everything you've made.
Your characters.
Your worlds.
Your scenarios.
It's time to sleep so dream about where you want to be.
It's time to sleep, it's ok.
It's time to sleep, you're safe.
It's time to sleep, it's just a nightmare.
It's time to sleep. . .
So sleep.


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