Becoming Mormon Boys

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Tori tied up her hair in a ponytail. She began to put on her makeup. Black eyeshadow, a crescent moon on her forehead, and black lipstick. Cliche, she thought, but the cliche is what her customers bought.
She went over to the door of her RV and opened it. A woman with strawberry blonde hair, dressed in a woven sweater and mom jeans, looks up at Tori.

T: "I'd ask why are you here, but I already know."
W: "Wow, you ARE a psychic."
T: "Witch. Come in."

The woman steps into the RV and sits down. The RV had been renovated inside, with some help of a little magic, to dark wood with white accents. The woman glances around, seeing her purple bed on one end of the RV and a table and a small kitchen on the other. There's a door leading to the front of the RV where the driver and passenger seat are.

W: "So you can help me?"
T: "That depends. Who are you running from?"
W: "This man."

The woman slides her phone across the table to Tori. Tori grabs her phone and looks at a picture of a man. His clothes are splattered with blood and he has cuts on his chin.

T: "Quite the party. Who is he?"
W: "He killed my husband. I was supposed to die too, but I got away. He's looking for me."
T: "Do you have something of his? DNA or clothing?"
W: "It's kinda gross, but would this work?"

She lifts her hands onto the table showing the dirt underneath her nails.

T: "So you did some damage on him?"
W: "Yea, it's his blood and stuff."

Tori gets up grabbing a nail cleaner and scraping out the dirt from underneath her nails. She places the dirt into a bowl where she then gets some powders and rat bones.

T: "I'll ready the spell, you clean that, that's just unhygienic."

The woman cleans her nails as Tori begins to ground up the contents within the bowl.  She glances up at the woman. She was focused on cleaning. She looked calm and kept checking her phone for seemingly a text. Tori looks down at a loose string on her sweater and looped her fingers around it.

T: "Lemme get that for you."

Tori tugged, ripping off the string. She throws it into the mix. A blast of red and green smoke appears from the mixed contents.

T: "So you met him on a Friday to talk about the divorce?"
W: "How did you know?"
T: "So uh. . . why order a hit on your hitman? Tryna save some cash?"

The woman's eyes widen as she feels herself get pulled downward. Tori jumps through the portal, landing on her feet as the woman falls on her back on the rough ground outside.

T: "I never like one-sided fights, but I can see right through you. Like sheer. Not crystals though I don't understand why people say it like that."

The woman groans trying to get up as Tori approaches her. 

W: "I thought you granted spells."
T: "I'm not a genie, everything comes for a price. For those who come with REAL problems, it's free. A little girl who wants to get rid of her fear of the dark, done. A teen girl who wants to become equal in the eyes of her bully, done. A grown man who wants to have a child with his wife, but can't, done. You, however, a wolf in sheep's clothing?"

Tori whips her hand forward towards the woman. Fire rises up around them, forming a circle that then turns purple.

W: "What are you?"
T: "Why are you saying that now? You came to me wanting what? A-a spirit cleansing? You wanted someone dead."
W: "He'll find you too, all this effort just to kill me."
T: "And what do you have underneath your nails?"

The woman narrowed her eyes up at Tori, realizing the trap she caught herself in.

T: "Mmm, thanks for the wallet you left on my table."

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