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I'm having lunch by myself.
Sorta having lunch.
I don't feel hungry anymore.
I'm not butt hurt,
I just didn't want to eat alone and
have good people to look at and 
talk to.
So I'm just chilling out under the stairs.
I love this small area.
A small area where loners,
a group,
or whatever,
can sit and 
be shielded from the rest of the cafeteria.
I notice I'm looking around a lot more.
I keep glancing side to side and 
watch the endless bodies that move by.
I wonder who hasn't noticed me yet.
I notice everything really.
I seem to be that quiet bystander as people unfold secrets in front of me.
What kind of secrets do you tell your friends?
I've possibly heard it all.
It's another when you learn something about said secret.
Do you know what happens to someone's liver if they are under the abuse of alcohol?
If you try to pick it up, 
it just falls right through your fingers.
Like sand.
As one of my teachers describes it.
least of your worries is a baby.
some treatments of STDs are. . 
you get the point.
I choose to stay quiet.
I know a lot of things to a lot of people.
Scary thing is,
they don't know.
How does that make you feel?
A random stranger,
knowing your darkest secrets.
Sometimes it's not that dark,
but still just as entertaining.

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