Chapter 13

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Elijah’s Pov

It’s been a rough couple of days, Fraya, Claire and I decided that it might be best for Mia to stay here for a day or two. Until she feels better and she gets back on her feet. We all have been trying to get Mia out of bed and to eat but she hasn’t. 

She has become very depressed and I guess that is common with the events she went through. I hope that Mia will eventually tell me the whole story of what happened but I’m not going to rush her if she isn’t ready. 

Claire went over to Mia's place and grabbed a few pairs of clothes, her diary and laptop. We hoped that if she had a few of her own things it would help her be less depressed but it hasn't worked.

I’ve been going crazy waiting for the police to find the guy that did this to Mia. I have to do something. I am going to search for him myself but first I am going to check up on Mia.

I walked up the stairs making my way down the hallway past fraya’s room and stopped at the room two doors down. 

I quietly reach for the handle and open the door. As my eyes landed on her I noticed she was tossing and turning in her sleep. I quietly walk over to the bed and sat down.

She was covered in sweat, I stroked her cheek and that's when she started talking in her sleep. "Please let me go home…. Please" I hated seeing her like this.

No one and I mean no one should have been in that situation. I leaned forward kissing her forehead and made my way towards the door. That’s when I heard a name I haven’t in a long time. "Please Ryan Cage let me go!"

At that moment I knew the police wouldn’t be able to find or handle this. I closed the door behind me and made my way back down stairs. I found fraya in the kitchen making breakfast.

"I’m heading out"

"Where to?"

I clenched my fists. "I know who did this to Mia"


"The guy’s name is Ryan Cage"

"No, it can’t be him. You said he was dead"

"That’s what I thought"




All my life I grew up in New Orleans. I always wanted to become a lawyer, so I worked my butt off and eventually got my degree. It took a long time coming but I did it. 

I’ve always believed in justice and helping people in any way I could. My parents never understood why I wanted to be a lawyer. They wanted me and my younger brother Jace to become doctors like them but that's not what we wanted. 

After I got my degree I sent in a ton of resumes to different firms. While waiting for what took forever a few weeks later I got accepted to Justice Served. I was over the moon. I had to move to Virginia.

I've been a lawyer for 5 years now. My job has been tough but I love it. One of the hardest ones I had to do was the Ryan Cage case. Ryan Cage was accused of stealing a million dollar watch from the Michelle watch shop. 

We went to court which went on for 3 days. It turned out the owner didn’t fully see the face of the person who stole the watch, so the case was closed and Ryan wasn’t charged for theft. From that day on Ryan and I became pretty close friends and went out to some bars a couple of times a week. 

A year later, two days after I turned 31 I was enjoying being off the clock letting loose. I was approached by a strange looking guy. He was tall, short white hair and wore all black.

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