Chapter 16

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Mia's pov

The next morning I woke up feeling a little better but I wasn't able to sleep much. Every time I closed my eyes I was back where I was taken when I was kidnapped. I had breakfast with Claire and we had a chat. She said some very helpful things that will motivate me to keep going. She left around 20 minutes ago as we both have a shift today.

I stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around me and walked over to the sink taking a look in the mirror. My eye was a little better today. The swelling has gone down so I grabbed my makeup and touched up my eyes and face. I was about to walk back into my room but I couldn't help it. I went back over to the sink and washed my hands once again.

Leaving the bathroom I roamed back into my bedroom. I strolled over to my wardrobe and grabbed a black off shoulder shirt and a pair of jeans.

Once dressed I walked over to the mirror near the window. I remembered the words Claire said I should say to encourage myself each morning. So I took a deep breath and said, "I won't let anything get to me. I have direction and I am strong"

I grabbed my purse and phone making my way down the stairs. With everything that has happened I'm surprised that my morning sickness has gone. For sure I thought these events would have made it worse.

After Claire spoke with me it put a lot in perspective. I couldn't starve myself, I can't not in my current state. At first I couldn't take it, I didn't want to listen but after a painful argument mostly me yelling I gave in.


4 hours later

Being back at work has been a great distraction from everything that has happened. After everything, I couldn't bare to face or talk to anyone so I am staying at the back of the kitchen doing dishes and helping the chef. Being in the kitchen around food is therapy for me. I have always loved cooking and one day hope to have a restaurant of my own.

I must say having Claire work a shift with me has helped a lot. If she wasn't here I don't think I could do this. After cooking with the chef for 2 hours straight I decided that I should start to clean the dishes because there is a stack of dishes piling up. I put my headphones on while pressing play on my music and started washing.

While listening to my music I couldn't help but hum along. Listening to music has always helped me to relax. No matter what the situation is it always helps. It calms my nerves. After washing and scrubbing for what felt like another hour the pile of dishes were completely gone.

While I was washing Claire was out doing her rounds taking orders and serving all the customers. I know I should be out there helping her but I'm not in the right mind set.

Sighing in relief I wipe the droplets of sweat forming on my forehead. I was about to go see what the chef would like me to do next but I couldn't help it. I pumped a couple of squirts of soap in my hands and frantically washed them once again. Finally feeling clean I dry my hands and that's when I felt a hand on my shoulder.


"Sorry Mia, I didn't mean to scare you"

I placed my right hand on my chest trying to calm my heavy breathing. I know Claire didn't mean to scare me but after what happened I've been extremely jumpy.

"It's okay"

"Please I beg you to serve just one customer. For me"

Claire I love you but I don't want to deal with all those rude people"

"Come on please? This customer isn't rude at all"

"Please all these customers are rude"

Claire gently grabbed my hand leading me over to the window and pointed at the table at the back of the room.

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