𝟬𝟬𝟭 Dangerous Curiosity

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Chapter One

ZHANG Feifei has never seen a Fire Nation ship before. This is her first.

Every time she went to the forest near the shore of Ch'uan, there was never anything in the vast ocean, just Ryujin, the Sea monster that guards the island, waving its massive, scaly tail at her. Now, with something to satisfy her curiosity, she squints her eyes to get a better look at the huge maroon ships adorned with the Fire Nation flags and insignia, trying to make sense of the unexpected sight before her.

"The Fire Nation?" she whispers to herself, her brow furrowing in confusion. "I've never seen them before . . . and why are they here?"

There's a noisy rustling of bushes, accompanied by the crunch of dried leaves from behind her. Ming-Yue, her best friend and also the prince, is busy stuffing berries and fruits he found nearby into his bag. It was Feifei's idea to venture out here, exploring the island since they have nothing better to do than training with the other Moon Warriors and their masters.

The people here hold a strong disdain for Avatar Suijin, the island's founder, who established her own civilization. Legend has it that Suijin was branded a traitor for falling in love with a man from the Fire Nation, and was corrupted as a result. It's said she brought destruction upon an entire nation, even her own allies. The topic of Suijin is strictly forbidden, and her good deeds are never acknowledged in Ch'uan's history books, fueling resentment among the younger generations.

But not Feifei. She refuses to blindly accept the lies and myths perpetuated by the elders. If Suijin were truly corrupt and wicked, she wouldn't be the Avatar.

"Ming-Yue! Look!" Feifei slaps her friend's leg, trying to gain his attention as he moves to pick berries from another bush. He has always had a weakness for berries, something Feifei can't quite understand. "Have you ever seen those ships before?"

Ming-Yue simply shrugs without even looking up at what his friend is pointing at.

"Mm, no," he answers, too focused on picking berries. "Now, don't bother me. I still have a lot of berries to──"

"Enough with those stupid berries!" Feifei hisses, snatching the prince's bag of berries and fruits from his hand rather roughly. She rolls her eyes at him when he groans in annoyance. "Look at those ships, Your Highness! Oh, wait, I humbly request you to lend me──a humble servant of yours──your precious eyes to seek those Fire Nation ships, Prince Ming-Yue," she dramatically says in a mocking voice, bowing theatrically.

"I'm surprised I'm still hanging out with you even though you annoy me so much," Ming-Yue remarks, crossing his arms over his chest as he moves to stand beside his friend.

"And I'm surprised you always come looking for me when you're bored if I annoy you so much," Feifei shoots back before she turns her attention to the Fire Navy once more.

There are more than four ships, to be exact, and they are heading west. Why are they heading west? Is there an island nearby where Feifei can go by using a wave?

Feifei often wonders about the outside world──are there other waterbenders? Is the Earth Kingdom as big as they describe in books? Is fire the real superior element? Can she learn how to fly with the airbenders? And is the world as dull as Ch'uan?

Oh, the urge to know burns within her, pulling her towards the Fire Navy to seek answers. But she knows deep down that all she'll find there is fire, fire, and more fire. Still, she wonders if a polite question might reveal their intentions in these waters near Ch'uan.

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