𝟬𝟬𝟮 New Friends

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New Friends

❝That's kinda depressing

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❝That's kinda depressing.❞

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  "SO, you guys are waterbenders?" Aang asks, his grin widening as Ruyi escorts him and his friends toward their temporary residence. Meanwhile, Appa, Aang's flying bison, is led to a nearby farm, where he's treated to heaps of seaweed and given proper care.

  The King of the Easterly Seas, ruler of Ch'uan and father to Prince Ming-Yue, has assigned Ruyi the task of escorting their esteemed guests. The Avatar and his friends are to stay at a guest house before being welcomed at the Great Palace of Ch'uan for the grand feast in the evening. The king is eager to meet the Avatar, the figure who disappeared for a hundred years, now returned in the form of this small, unassuming boy.

  Ruyi walks ahead, her eyes fixed forward, her voice sharp as she responds without looking back, "You're not blind, are you?" The coldness in her tone lingers, even when addressing the Avatar.

  Aang and his companions exchange glances, surprise etched on their faces. Katara, in particular, seems offended by Ruyi's blunt remark.

  Feifei quickly steps in, her voice soft but apologetic. "I'm sorry. Ruyi can be a little... cold sometimes. But I promise, you'll warm up to her!" She lets out a nervous laugh, hands clasped together in a gesture of peace, desperate to keep the air light. The last thing she wants is a conflict between the Avatar and her sister.

  "No, you won't," Ruyi interjects, her bluntness causing Feifei to flinch.

  "Sister! Show some respect to the Avatar and his friends," Feifei scolds, trying to keep her irritation in check. It bothers her to have to play peacemaker when Ruyi, the general and elder sibling, should know better, for Spirit's sake!

  Katara crosses her arms, her glare shifting from Ruyi to Feifei, recognizing the younger sister as the more approachable one. With a gentle smile, she addresses her, "Feifei, do you think you could teach us waterbending?" Her tone is sincere, hoping that the people of the sea can help her and Aang sharpen their skills before they reach the North Pole. "Aang needs to master waterbending, and I thought maybe you could──"

  "No, can't," Ruyi interjects curtly before Feifei has a chance to respond, causing Katara to snap.

  "Hey, if you don't want to teach us waterbending, just say so nicely!" she exclaims angrily at the rather rude general. "Is that so hard to do?!"

  Ruyi simply shrugs and remains silent, further fueling Katara's anger. Just as she's about to continue venting her frustration, Feifei steps in, yet again.

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