Chapter One

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Two days, that may not seem like too long for you, but for Finney Blake, its felt longer than ever. Two days earlier, Finney got word of yet another dissapearance, normally Finney would not give much thought to these. Of course he would be sympathetic, it may put him on edge but he never really thought to much into these, because none of them really affected him, not like this one did.

Two nights earlier, whilst him and his sister were watching television, his father approached them with a worried look on his face. "Do you know any Robin Are-A-A..." He stuttered out "Arellano?" Finney questioned and he dad nodded "He's a friend from school, why?" Finney asked, his father gave him a disappointed look before quickly leaving, letting out a loud sigh beforehand.

Finney wasn't stupid, Finney knew what happened. After only a few moments he priced it together. Robin was missing, Robin became one of 𝙝𝙞𝙨 victims. Finney... well Finney didn't necessarily know how to feel. He never thought he would have to deal with this, nobody every thinks they will. Nobody thinks it will happen to them until it does, and that was the situation Finney was in.

He say there in shock only for a few minutes before quickly getting up. "I'm going to bed..." He muttered and quickly made his way out if the living room "Finney-" Gwen started just as he went out of sight. She too had gotten up and decided to follow Finney.

"I'm sorry Finney... I know he was your friend..." She said, in hopes of trying to sympathize with him. This only irritated Finney more though. "Don't say 'was'... Robin 𝙞𝙨 my friend..." He said quietly and buried his face in his pillow.

"Right.. Sorry Finney." She said and sighed. Just as she was about to walk out Finney finally spoke up. "Hey Gwen...?" He asked and she turned her head to him "Hm?" She said in response "Can you do that dream thing...?" He asked and she sighed once again "It doesn't work that way..." She said softly "Have you tried it?" He questioned and she rolled her head back and took a deep breath before her eyes returned to her brother.

"Of course I have!" She said and Finney remained silent for a few moments "Well try again... Please..." He said slowly, a hint of desperation in his voice and she nodded. "Alright... 'Night Finney..." She said and turned around "Goodnight." He simply said and watched her walk out the door.


"Jesus... I know you know what I'm going to ask you, but I'm going to ask you anyway." Gwen said as she clutched a miniature cross in her hands. She wasn't necessarily a Christian, but she liked to believe there was someone there, someone to help her, someone to make things better. That's why she did this. Though it wasn't for her this time.

"My brother... He needs his friend, and I know you can't just let him go because you don't interfere or whatever. I don't know the rules..." She quietly ranted to herself before quickly attempting to get back to the point "... but if you could help me have a dream or two and make me see something that could help the police, or me, or anyone find him.... I will follow you forever." She said as the lights flickered on.

"Amen!" She quickly said before hopping into bed, hopeful that her father didn't hear her. "Don't think I don't know what's goin' on in here..." A scratchy voice said as footsteps approached her door. "No playin' after lights out..." Her father said and she sighed "Sorry daddy." She said quickly "Go to sleep, I love you." He mumbled and she nodded "Love you too daddy." She says, a little bit unsure of what she was even saying.

Her father soon left and she let out a sigh of relief before finally relaxing and laying her head down, praying for some sort of dream tonight, anything to help find Robin, anything to help Finney. In fact, Finney would get to see Robin soon enough, just not in the way they wanted...

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