Chapter Seven

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       Exhausted, they spent the rest of that day, with small breaks in between, recklessly tearing up the floor and digging into the ground, shovelling out piles of dirt and made a relatively good sized hole in the ground before the nighttime hit and they just couldn't do it any longer.

Robin felt as he was hardly much help, he couldn't do much do to his arm, not only did it bring him pain to move but the uneven and lazy wrapping that was supposed to help heal it really just did nothing and just restricted his movements further. He still could somewhat help but at most time he wasn't 'allowed' to, because Finney told him to just go sit down and 'he's got this'.

Eventually the two had fallen asleep for what felt like a few measly minutes (which in reality was hours, they slept through most of the day in fact) but were soon awoken by the creak of a doorway.


Gwen, seated, well now standing, at the announcement of yet another disappearance, one of her own brother. It was announced at school and all of the children were called to get word if the situation. Gwen didn't know how much longer see could stand there before she started... well... crying.

She didn't want to though, not in front of these people, not in front of anyone, but this just made it worse. She felt so vulnerable, alone without Finney, and so far, there was no leads

While she wanted to believe he would come back okay and well, she also was preparing for the worst. Vance and Robin, the two toughest guys in school, they hadn't come back yet, none of them had, why should she expect Finney too?

Now Gwen was one of the only kids their grieving, many either didn't know him or hated him. In fact, Matt and Matty were off snickering in their stupid group, Buzz hadn't come back to school for a few days either, though she didn't know what had happened to him, neither did anyone else really.

There was however a few other children who felt sympathetic, one being the very sister of one of the missing children, Amy Yamada who only really felt sympathy because of what had happened with her brother, and Donna. Donna, whilst she never talked to Finney that much, well she liked him.

They had science class together and it was a pretty apparent at one point or another they both liked each other, though now, Finney was seemingly gone, just another kid lost to the hands of The Grabber.


Finney had gotten up, he didn't know why he just felt like something was wrong. He got up and looked around before his eyes fell on the doorway, which was now wide open and a figure was standing there.

His vision was still not fully recovered but it was there, feature were visible  yet still blurred. He squinted at the figure, only worsening his sight, he could make out one thing I'm the dim light of the early morning.  A pale mask, no mouth on it, but a nose and eyes we're visible.

The figured walked closer and Finney spun around to wake up when a low and growly voice spoke from behind him "Don't." He simply said and Finney froze. He wanted to, he really did, but something in his just... stopped, that voice sent chills through his entire body and he felt paralyzed. All he had to do was reach out and touch him, shake him awake, anything, but he just couldn't.

He turned back around slowly and sat still, hardly even breathing. Being face to face with the man that had done this to him, Robin sleeping only feet away from him. '𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘶𝘱, 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘶𝘱, 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦' he thought to himself as the man walked closer and closer in a taunting fashion.

He stopped maybe only a foot away from Finney and crouched down in front of him. He held up his arm in front of his face and tapped a large cut on it lightly. "Jesus, it's covered in blood..." He whispered, his voice so low he could hardly hear him. "It's like I killed someone." He whispered and Finney furrowed his brows, and pursed his lips slightly, a look of anger growing on his face.

"See that?... Well, it's not like you can see shit." He mumbled, saving his hand in front of Finney face. He was right, sort of, his vision was blurred, but he could see, and with how close he was, it was very clear who this was. "I know you're scared, but I'm not going to hurt you anymore." He said and reached out his hand, brushing Finney hair out of his face.

"What I said about snapping your neck, I was angry is all..." He whispered in a falsely comfortung tone as he caressed Finney cheek with his thumb. Finney tensed up and glanced back at Robin, who was still sleeping.

"And you really did a number on my arm" he scoffed and glanced down at his other arm "but I'm not going to hold you against you hm? I guess, we're even?" He said and laughed just a bit "Because nothing bad is going to happen here." He said and Finney bit his lip nervously "On that I give my word Johnny." He whispered.

"You like soda?" He said and dug a finger into Finney chest, raising his voice ever so slightly, only making Finney wish more Robin would hear something, anything, and wake up. "I'm gonna go get you a soda and then-" he started, being cut off by the faint ringing of the phone upstairs "Is that the phone ringing? Do you hear a phone ringing?" The Grabber asked and Finney nodded slightly, hoping he would just go away and answer it.

"I'm gonna go see who it is, and then I'm going to go get you a soda, and 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣 I'll come back and explain everything, hm?" He said and placed a hand on Finney shoulder, slowly moving it across to his collar bone before quickly retracting and standing up straight and walking out of the door and slamming it behind him.

Finney quickly placed his hands over his chest, letting out a deep breathe and overall trying to calm down from the situation that had unfolded. The loud bang of the door has managed to stir Robin awake, he slowly got up and looked around to see Finney staring at the door, then at glancing at himself, then back at the door.

"Finn?" He asked slowly and Finney gasped before quickly spun around. "Oh, Robin..." He mumbled and Robin furrowed his brows "What happened?" He asked and Finney sighed, looking back at the door one more time, though not saying anything. Robin caught on quickly and scrambled over up to Finney "Why didn't you wake me up?" He asked and Finney looked down "I'm sorry I just- he wouldn't let me..." He said and Robin sighed.

"I... Just... Let me have him next time, I'll beat his ass." He said and gave a slight smile, trying to lift the mood. His attempt was successful and Finney let out a small laugh in return. "I'm sure you will..."


Gwen had fallen asleep that night, expecting nothing, though hoping for something. Her dreams becoming less and less vivid or frequent, that hope she held onto slipping away, until his very night.

Her dream wasn't of Finney though, or really anything of use, in the beginning at least, but it was interesting. It was of a young boy, maybe three or four, holding a red plastic baseball bat hitting a ball across the ground,  then into the air before running and jump in into an older man's arms, presumably the boys father.

Then a slightly older version of the boy, reciting the pledge of allegiance in a classroom. Then the same boy on a familiar baseball field, the one at her school, and then, Bruce. Bruce Yamada.

He fell of his bike as he hit a baseball sized rock on the ground, before being grabbed by a man, much older than him, spraying something in his face before she saw... Finney? Ramming his body restlessly up against a door, screaming and pleading for help before, she woke up.

Gasping for air and covered in a cold sweat. Finally, a dream, a useful one... maybe? Was it even one of those dreams, or was it a nightmare, caused by the greif of losing her brother?

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