Chapter Two

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Finney Blake, well... he wasn't the luckiest boy out there. In fact, everything seemed to be going downhill. And Gwen, well things weren't too pleasant for her either. She, could not attend half of the school day due to the severe bruising all over her body which she blamed on 'bullies'.

This of course could've been the truth, just earlier she had gotten into a fight whilst defending Finney, and in the process, had busted her lip, cut open one of her gums, and had been knocked down countless times. None of the boys had been reprimanded as Gwen refused to name them, knowing it may cause more trouble for Finney.

Anyway, because of this factor, that left Finney going home alone, which would not make a big difference on any normal day, but today, today was different, much different.

Finney was walking down the sidewalk, kicking around small rocks and pebbles just to hear the satisfying click the made on the sidewalk, count in the steps he took and fiddling with toy rocket ship (which could simultaneously functioned as a flashlight), and shining it on random scraps on the ground.

He stopped in his tracks when he noticed an odd looking van with the word "ABRACADABRA" painted on the side in big, bold, blue letters, and a strangely dressed man, with unusually pale skin and a black top hat stumble out

The man tripped on the curbside and spilled two bags groceries a over the sidewalk and main road. Finney stood for a few minutes as watched as the man laughed off his mistake before finally offering up some help.

" you need any help?" He asked and the man smiled, sending shivers down Finney spine but he didn't question a thing, a mistake which may as well have costed him his own life.

"Would you hand me my hat?" The man asked in a scratchy, almost growling voice and pointed to the top hat he was wearing only seconds before, clearly within his own reach. "Yeah-" Finney said and quickly handed it to the man. He put all of his remaining and intact items back into the bags and stood up, brushing Himself off in the process.

This smile never left his face as he turned to Finney and leaned over just a bit. "Yes sir, I am a part time magician." He said and Finney only nodded in response "Would you like to see a magic trick?" He asked and pulled out a silver can out if his pocket and shook it around. "Yeah sure!" Finney said and smiled slightly.

He felt... uncomfortable, but he did not want to be impolite so he agreed to the offer anyway, yet another mistake on his part, though he was already too far in to escape this situation. There wasn't any other people around, so who was there to help anyway.

The man stepped aside to reveal the open doors of his van and Finney leaned in for a closer look, then it clicked. "Are balloons in there?" He said, a hint of terror in his voice. He knew about Gwens dreams, he knew what she saw, and he knew it was already too late.

"Yep!" The man said in and eerily cheerful tone, just before pulling them out and smothering the small boy with them. Finney had tried to scream, but the man had wrapped and arm around his neck and covered his mouth for the time being, still shaking the silver can in the process.

Finney clutched the toy rocket in his hand and thrashed about aimlessly, until he heard the undeniable sound of flesh being ripped open right next to him. He didn't quite know what he was doing, but he pulled on the toy and the sound continued. The man made a sad attempt to stifle his grunts of pain but in the process, moved his arm but a bit, enough for Finney to open his mouth and let out a loud scream.

It rang in the air for only a second before he stopped due to a bitter taste in his mouth, and what felt like needles stabbing into his eyes, throat, everywhere. This in reality was the liquid in the can the man was wildly shaking about just a few minutes before.

Finney closed his mouth and eyes and wriggled around, desperately trying to escape the man's strong grasps until... he did, he squirmed out of his arms which startled the man, causing him to stand there for just a few seconds as Finney aimlessly tried to run down the sidewalk.

A terrible attempt, horrendously terrible. He already felt his body shaking and his legs getting weak, he only managed to stumble forward a few steps before collapsing, right there, in front of the house he would soon be held in for what he thought would be, forever, or as long as he could manage to live for.

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