Chapter Ten

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      "Daddy?" Gwen questioned as she walked into the living room to find her father drinking on the recliner "Yes?" He said back and Gwen sighed "Can I ask you a question...?" She mumbled and her father nodded "Of course, come sit, come." He said in a dazed manner and patted on a chair next to his.

"You promise you won't get mad?" Qwen asked and her father nodded "I promise, honey." He replied. "It's about my dreams..." She said quietly and her father looked down as she backed up a bit. He took a sip of his alcohol and sighed "What about you're dreams?" He asked and Gwen relaxed a bit "Well... What if they're, you know... they're...well..." She trailed off and looked down.

"'re mother, she was a special soul. And she was smart, just like you." Her father began and Gwen nodded, a little uncomfortable at the mention of her mother. "But, sweetheart, she was also uh... touched..." He mumbled, unsure of the wording he should be using in his drunken state.

"She saw things, and she heard things and sh-she just became... so conviced that her 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙨 meant something." He said, putting extra emphasis on the word 'dreams'. "And eventually they told her to do things, terrible things...And so she took her own life..." He said slowly, his voice shaking and tears forming in her eyes. Gwen pursed her lips slightly and looked away from her father, she didn't want to remember this now, she wanted to find Finney, because she couldn't lose him too.

"They weren't real sweetheart, they just weren't real..." He said and she sighed "I loved mom." She simply said and her father nodded "I... I loved her too..." He said slowly "I mean, I loved her the way she was!" She said and her father put a hand on her shoulder "I... I know sweetheart. I... I... I just, I don't want that future for you sweetheart..." He mumbled and she nodded "But.. wh-what if it could help me find Finney..?" She questioned, her lips quivering and her voice shaking.

Her father put his head I'm his hands and sighed "Go get your coat." He simply said and Gwen nodded quickly. The next thing you know, they were in the car, driving down the empty streets, Qwen looking through the window for that place, the place she saw Finney.


Police knocked on the door of a home, waiting for a response. A dog barked loudly and it could be clearly heard through the door "Hey! Samson, stop!" An older man cried out "Come here, come on boy!, come on, hold on a second!" He shouted and the detective sighed.

"Hello?" The man said as he opened the door "Good evening sir." Detective Wright responded "We're canvassing your neighborhood, talking to residents, we were wondering if you've seen these boys." He continued and held out two photos. One with dirty blonde hair and deep brown eyes, the other with thick shoulder length hair tied up with a dark blue, almost black bandana, the two boys being none other than Finney Blake and Robin Arellano.

"You're the police." The man said and Wright nodded "Mhm, Denver PD." he replied "You're here for the missing kids?" He questioned and Detective Miller nodded "Yes sir." He said and the man opened the door the rest of the way. "Come inside, come on!" He said said motioned for them to come inside.

The man, Max, spent the rest of the time the police officers were there, showing them leads and notes he had on the case, he had been living with his brother for the time being and hopped ok the case the second he heard of it. Thought the police did not take this well and decided to leave the man alone and walked outside.

"Oh.. stupid, stupid, stupid moron!" Max mumbled to himself and sat down pm s couch, staring at the coffee table which contained three lines of powdered ketamine laying on it, that was a before Max promptly sniffed it up and layed back on the couch, unaware that right below him were the two missing boys he was so desperately trying to find.


Both boys slept peacefully for the first time in days, Robins arms were wrapped around Finney as his head was buried in Robins chest. Though, this didn't last for long. The click of the light and the creak of the door managed to wake them both. They both had gotten up, noticing the now open door and sat up straight.

The Grabbed was standing in the doorway and he glanced at the floor. "Ah... You haven't eaten?" He questioned. "We weren't hungry." Robins replied, his tone cold and filled with anger. "Hm..." He mumbled "Tell me your names." He said suddenly and Robins looked at Finney confused "Why should we?" He asked and the Grabbed shrugged "It's not very polite to avoid the question..." The said and Robins scoffed "Yeah well it's not very polite to kidnap little boys either." He retorted and The Grabbed chuckled.

"Why do you even care?" Finney asked and The Grabbed shrugged again "I usually don't, I find out eventually in the paper... They always print out a nice, big photo,  with all the details I could ever want..." He said and Robins furrowed his brows in disgust.

"Why don't you go do that then." Robin scoffed and cut him off as The Grabber sighed, pulling out two newspapers from behind his back and tossing them at the boys. "I already did." Before he walked out and closed the door behind him. "What the fuck was the point of that then?" He said and kicked the newspaper off the bed, Finney on the other hand, retreived both of them and read through them.

9901 Harper CT.

Missing since Saturday, November 9th, 1978. Last seen on Greenwood Street near Charles Street at 12:47 PM...

Finney examined it closely, Saturday, that's the day they were supposed to meet up, they day Finney ditched him. "Robin?" Finney asked, keeping his eyes on the paper "Yeah?" He responded. "How did you... Get here..?" He asked slowly and Robin sighed. "Well..." He stared and looked down.

"... That day you were supposed to come by and tutor me, I went down to the corner store by Greenwood to get us some snacks, and I saw this guys there who was carrying like a ton for groceries. I felt kind of bad so I stopped to help him and boom, next thing you know I'm here." He said and Finney nodded slowly "So, I guess in a way it's you're fault really." Robin joked with a smile, though Finney just put his head down "Oh..." He mumbled and Robins smile faded.

"Sorry, Finn. I didn't mean it like that, i-it wasn't, I was just joking..." He said quickly and Finney nodded "I know..." He said back and Robin sighed. Though, Finney felt he was at fault here, maybe if he got there sooner, he hasn't woken up so late, maybe if he listened to Gwen and just went without her, maybe they'd both be safe, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

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