Chapter Sixteen

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      Robin stood up and pulled Finney up with him, leading him to the main room of the basement and letting go of Finney. "Youre gonna use a weapon." He said and Finney looked at him with confusion "What weapon?" The asked and Robin pointed at the phone. "That one." He simply replied and tool it off the hook.

"We pack the receiver with dirt, to give it some heft y'know?" And Finney nodded "Then what?" He asked and Robin handed him the phone so he had his hands free to demonstrate. He balled up his fists and got into a defensive position.

"You raise the phone, take a fast step back, step forward, step back, and swing!" He said and through a swift punch into the air. "Try it." He instructed and Finney nodded slightly following Robins steps over and over and over, until he was ready.

"Now, cut the wire." He said and Finney looked around for something to do it with, when his eyes fell on his rocket in the bed. He put the phone back on the hook and reached down to grab it before tugging on the wire, and pressing the tip against it. It took a few tried, but the wire snapped off.

He felt a sense of dread as he did, the kind you feel when you realize you're saying goodbye, for the final time. He didn't know these boys well, not in the slightest, but he knew what he did. He just cut off their only communication to them, to anyone. He wouldn't be able to talk to them ever again, he couldn't save them, he didn't even know if this is what they wanted. They did want this right? They wanted him to get rid of The Grabber, but... did he have to do it this way?

Everything seemed to stop for a second before he returned to his senses, clutching the broken phone in his hand he walked over to the dirt hole in the ground and unscrewed the cap 0f the receiver, packing it full or dirt and shaking it around and bit to make sure nothing fell our, but that still wasn't enough.

He grabbed the cord they sued to climb the window and the screws from the panel, Robin giving him a confused look as he did so. "What are you... doing?" He asked "Slowing him down." Finney simply replied and rushed to the hallway leading to the bathroom, Robin following.

He cranked the screws into the wall, it wasn't the most stable, but it would hold for now. "Robin?" Finney asked "Yeah?" He responded and Finney handed him one end of the cord. "Tie it tight around the screw okay? Make sure it'll hold." He instructed and Robin nodded, crouching down and doing as Finney asked, tugging it slightly to make sure it would be okay.

Suddenly, Finney heard that soft tapping again and he peaked around the corner, only to find nothing, nothing besides the rain on the window.


"7741" she repeated to herself as she looked around at the many houses scattered across her neighborhood. She needed to find that address, that house, Finney, she needed to find Finney.

"Please dear Jesus, please please..." Gwen mumbled at the continued biking down the street "I'm sorry I said you weren't real! Please be real, please!" She said her voice getting higher pitched the more she worried.

The looked from house to house, the tree, the color, the door, the address, anything she recognized, she needed to find him, and she needed to find him fast.

She turned her head forward and immediately let out a scream as she fell of her bike. Four boys, the missing boys, rather, their corpses, standing in a like, s blockade of sorts. Billy, Vance, Bruce, Griffin and... Wait, no, Finney wasn't there, and neither was Robin.

She crashed to the ground and lie there for only a few seconds before getting back up. The boys were gone, rather she couldn't see them, but what she did see, it was better.

A brick red house, black storm door, a long silver fence surrounding the property, a crooked tree on the verge of death, and the address 7741.

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