Chapter Six

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       The bright light of the morning sun shone through the window, just enough to stir the boys awake. Finney let out a soft groan as he shielded his face from the sun and looked around a little confused, it seemed he had forgotten how and why he was there for a split second before he woke up enough to process everything once again.

"Oh..." He simply said and looked down. Today though, was better than the last. His vision was getting better for one, he could see more clearly now, almost as well as before, but he still was hurting. "Hm?" Robin mumbled and Finney spun around to see Robin. He had remembered he was there, but no matter how many times he would see him throughout the days, the relief he felt when he did wouldn't lessen.

"Nothing." He said back and sighed. Robin gave him a sympathetic look but didn't know what to say to comfort him, obviously Finney was just as distressed as he was, but he couldn't do anything to help, not yet at least.


Robin then snatched his bandana off the mattess and layed it in his lap before lazily tying his hair back into a low ponytail with one of the many hair ties he kept on him (mostly because he broke a lot of them when he was being to aggressive) and tying the bandana around his head whilst Finney sat and fiddled with his toy rocket.

Both were unusually calm this morning, they were very stressed of course but neither were in as much panic as they had been before, they felt content for the most part. While their main focus was getting out of there, they did not seen to mind this arrangement, for the time being at least.

"So-" Robin started before being interrupted by the familiar ringing of a phone. Robin clenched his fist in annoyance and groaned while Finney got up to hang it up. "What is wrong with this?" He said quietly to himself as he took the phone off the hook.

Just as he was going to put it back again a very high pitched noise emitted from the receiver, the type of one that sound so quiet you can barely hear it, though you know its there. Out of instinct of just hearing anything from the phone, Finney held it to his ear.

"Finn I-" Robin said but paused when he noticed a petrified look on Finneys face, to which he got up as Finney slammed the phone back into the hook. "What?" Robin asked, Finney didn't respond and just stumbled backwards, though managing to catch his balance. "What is it?" Robin repeated, his voice crack in slightly.

Finney didn't have a chance to answer before the phone rang again and Robin quickly took it off the hook to stop the ringing. "Finn, what happened?" He asked once again, and Finney was interrupted yet again, but this time by something different.

"Don't hang up!" A desperate voice calls through the telephone and Robin froze. A voice, no he must be imagining things, this phone was clearly broken, so why, why was it making noise, not just noise, words, very clear words.

Finney grabbed Robins hand and held the phone up to his ear "I won't." He said. Robin seemed to have finally processes this and quickly recoiled his hand but took a step closer to Finney just to hear what was going on.

"Who is this?" Finney asked, and there was only silence for a few moments. "I... I don't remember my name..." The voice said and Robin scrunched up his face is confusion "Why not?" They both asked at the same time and exchanged a quick glance before their attention returned to the mysterious voice coming from the phone.

"It's the first thing you lose." It said and this just made the boys even more confused. Robin held out his hand and Finney placed the phone in it in response, exactly what Robin wanted. "When?" He asked and the voice paused, almost as if it was just processing there was another person there too. "You know when, Robin." It simply said.

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