Chapter Eight

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      Finney was yet again woke up, this time by something different, Robin. He shook him awake as looked at him intently as Finney eyes fluttered open "Hmm?" He mumbled and Robin sighed. "I just... figured you'd be awake by now..." He said and Finney furrowed his brows, confused. "Oh..." He simply replied and Robin bit his lip and turned away.

Just then Finney heard the familiar creek of the door and quickly sat up straight, pressing himself up against the wall Robin on the other hand swiftly turned around to look at who had just opened the door. Robin hadn't seen The Grabber, not since the day he came here, he was scared, scared of what Robin might do to him, but with Finney here, he just had to come down. Because he liked Finney, he liked him 𝙖 𝙡𝙤𝙩.

"I made you some breakfast!" He said and particularly cheery tone, holding out two metal trays with eggs, a fork, and soda on them, something flung over his shoulder. Robin wasted no time and stood up, but stopped when Finney tugged on the bottom of his shirt. He trusted Robin, but not now, he knew Robin was hurting, and if he managed to take Robin then, he could do it now.

Robin knew this too, but he didn't want to think like that, he wanted it over, now, but he knew he didn't stand a chance. He sat back down next to Finney, who gave him an apologetic glance to which he looked back at briefly, before his eyes returned to the grabber.

"What did you put in it?" Finney asked cautiously and the grabber glanced down at the trays "Salt and pepper?" He said and set them both down before looking at the two "Ohh... Eat it, don't eat it... You're already down here, what would I need to drug you for?" He asked and laughed slightly before standing back up, tossing the thing he had on his shoulder over to them, and walked out, shutting the door.

Finney looked at Robin cautiously before moving forward and grabbing the thing he tossed. It was simply a folded up cotton blanket, fairly clean compared to the rest of the room and Finney sighed  and threw it onto the bed.

"Are you... going to eat?" Robin asked and Finney shrugged "Are you?" He questioned "I'm not hungry." Robin lied, he didn't trust it, for the past few days he 𝙝𝙖𝙙 gotten food, though when he did eat it, something always felt... wrong...

"Me neither." Finney replied, this was also a lie. He was, but if Robin wasn't going to do it, then he wouldn't either.

He turned his attention back to the food once more when he... notices something. The door, slightly cracked open, not fully hooked onto the latch, allowing the door to be opened. Finney got up and jogged over, grabbing the handle and pulling ever so slightly "Finn?" Robin asked as he watched the door slowly crack open, and then, they heard it.

A phone ringing, Robin got up to answer it and Finney turned around, speed walking over and put his ear to the phone. "Hello? B-Bruce...?" He mumbled, but heard a different voice in response and his heart sunk. "Don't go upstairs." It simply said "What? Why not?" Robin asked  "It's a trap." It responded "Are... Are you Bruce?" He asked hopefully, but he knew, that the 'Yes' he was hoping for, wouldn't come.

"Who's Bruce?" It asked, and in the background he heard what seemed to be a gasp, and a muffled "Shhh!".
"I was just talking to Bruce." He replied and Robin put a hand on his shoulder, sending shivers down his spine.

"I don't know any Bruce." The voice said and again, in the background he heard a noise, not quite audible but it sounded like... a giggle? "He's the baseball player." Finney said back "We don't play 'Baseball' here..." The voice said as if the concept of the sport itself was completely foreign to it, and then followed by more background noise.

Finney shifted his feet and tensed up a bit, he felt... uncomfortable, the kind of uncomfortable you feel when someone... watching. Robin had felt this too and turned around, to be greeted by a particularly gruesome sight, a bloodied boy, a long cut under his eye, bleeding down onto his neck, his clothes, his chest, everywhere. "Holy-" Robin stuttered out and Finney turned around too, gasping before backing up into Robin.

The boy looked them both in the eyes and Robin took a deep breath, stepping forward and reaching out to try and touch the boys, who quickly backed away and looked at him terrified "No..." He simply mumbled and his neutral expression returned as Robin backed up. "Who are you...?" Finney asked slowly, clutching onto Robins arm with he free hand. "I dont remember..." The boy mumbled.

"Did you play, soccer, or football or something?" Robin asked "I delivered newspapers." He said and Finney eyes widened "Billy... You're Billy Showalter..." Finney mumbled and Robin looked at him confused, it seemed as though Finney knew the names of almost everyone whilst Robin was really only familiar with Finney.

"Maybe." Billy said "No! You're Billy Showalter!" Finney said confidently, but Billy disregarded this "Do. Not. Go. Upstairs." He instructed "Why? What's he doing?" Robin asked in reference to The Grabber. "He's waiting, on the other side with that 𝙛𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙩" Billy said and Finney froze, clutching Robins arm tighter as Robin looked at him concerned. "He didn't say you could leave,  so if you try, he'll punish you." Bill said, waking closer to the two and leaning in, his voice almost a whisper now.

Finney could almost 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 the boys breath on him, not exactly, but it was as if a cold wind had suddenly worked up near them as he shivered. "𝙃𝙚'𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙩 𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙤𝙪𝙩." Boy said and Finney tense up even more, to Robin it felt as though his nails were digging into his skin as Finney grip tightened and his breathe shallowed. "Finn?" Robin asked, no response, just a pitiful glance from Finney before Billy continue.

"It hurts kid, it hurts real bad, you will cry, you'll beg him to stop, we all did." Billy said, Finney grip tightening on Robin with each word he spoke, the concern growing within Robin. "Finn, hey are you alright?" He asked, still no response, and Finney looked away from him this time "But he just keeps beating you, and it's going to hurt." Billy said one final time.

"𝙄 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬." Finney mumbled, trying to sheild his voice from Robin before he heard a click of the phone hanging up.

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