Chapter Nine

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       Finney put the phone back on the hook in silence as Robin rushed after him "Finn? Hey, hey what was that about?" He asked, still silence "What do you mean 'you know'?" Robin continued, concern growing on his face and Finney sighed "Nothing." He said and walked over to the door, give it a hard shove as it clicked closed.

"You're lying." Robin simply said but Finney stayed silent. Robin walked over to him and put one of his hands on his shoulder, and the other on his cheek, somewhat forcing him to look at him, though Finney eyes stayed glued to the floor. "Finn..." Robin simple said Finney sighed once again "Robin I'm not lying! I'm just... scared.." He said, lowering his voice to a whisper as he continued. Robin frowned "Swear?" He asked and Finney nodded "Swear, o-on our friendship..." He said and put his hands behind his back.


Gwen had her head rested on her desk, dozing off in the middle of class as her teacher, Mrs. Fulgrim, shook her away and crouched down in front of her desk "Oh you poor dear... Go to the nurses office and get a nap..." She whispered and Gwen nodded, she didn't appreciate the pity, she just wanted to go home, and find Finney, but she did as she was told and walked out of the room, checking into the nurses office and layed down on a bed there and shut her he's, slowly drifting back to sleep


Finney sat down on the bed, only to get up again to answer yet another phone call, though Robin got to it first and instead held up the phone to Finneys ear.

"You said my name was Billy." He said and Finney nodded "Billy Showalter." He replied "Don't call me that!" Billy snapped as Robin turned to look a a bottle of side on one of the trays now moving ever so slightly. Finney noticed too and turned around to stand next to Robin.

"What do you want me to call you then? What do you remember?" Finney asked cautiously "I told you, I was a paperboy." Billy said, slight annoyance in his tone "Okay, Paperboy." Finney mumbled back. "See the wall in front of you?" Billy asked "Yeah..." Robin and Finney said at the same time "Notice how the wall is seperated from the floor a little? I tore a long cable loose from underneath there." Billy continud.

"What are we supposed to do with that?" Finney asked and suddenly, the bottled on the floor began to spin violently before it stopped, and tipped slightly upwards, pointing at a window.

"Que mierda (What the fuck)..." Robin mumbled and Finney turned to look up at the window, suddenly understanding what Billy meant as he hung up the phone.


She layed on the bed asleep, she'd been in the nurses office for maybe twenty minutes now and finally, she had one, a dream.

A dream of a boy in a red 'Denver Broncos' coat, sat down on the edge of the road, tirelessly wrapping newspapers, a golden brown dog seated next to him as he did so. Then, he hopped on his bike and rode down the roads, flinging newspapers into yards as he dog trotted along beside him, and the she saw it.

The van, the one that appeared in all of her dreams of those boys, the person in the van, he did what he always did, he took him, he took Billy Showalter. His dog sat next to his layed down bike, wagging his tail, clueless that he would never see his best friend again.


Finney wedged his fingers underneath the small gap in between the floor and the wall, scraping up the tips and middle of them as he did so, he see these through his teeth as he hands wriggled around, trying to find the cable Billy was taking about, until he finally did.

He wrapped his fingertips around the edge of the cord, trying to pull it upwards and out without causing any further damage but failed. His fingers rubbed against the jagged bottom of the wall, now stained every so slightly with crimson as his soft skin was broken at the touch. He bit his tongue to try and distract the pain to somewhere else as he slowly ripped out the cord, stone digging further into his skin as he shut is eyes tight.

He managed to pull out the cord and drag it outward, with Robins assistance and they flung it aside, but before Finney could do anything else Robin out a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked and Finney looked down at his hands. "Uhm..." He mumbled but Robin wasted no time, digging into his pockets to retrieve a handful of 'BAND-AIDS'.

He kept them around in his pocket for the aftermath of any one of the number of fights he got in, different sizes too depending on the scale of the injury, mostly just a scratch to the face, scraped up knees, or of course, bloodied knuckles.

He reached out for Finney hand as he too the wrapping of of one, carefully wrapping at around each one of his injuries until it was done. A slight blush appeared on Finneys face and he looked down at the floor, trying to avoid looking at him for the time being.

Robin stuffed the unused band AIDS back in his pocket and smiled "There" he simply said and let go of Finneys hand, letting it drop down back to his side before picking up the cable.


A few minutes later, they were set up, the cable wrapped around the metal bars surrounding the window, done by propping up one of the rolled up carpets against the windowsill and sliding the cord through it. Finney grabbed the edge of the cord and tried to pull himself up as he propped his foot up on the wall, to which it slipped off and he stumbled back down onto the ground. "What the heck..." He mumbled and Robin stepped past him "Let me try." He said and reached up at the cord, pulling himself up, getting higher than Finney and grabbing the edge of the windowsill, with his bad hand and quickly dropped down.

He sighed and turned to Finney "Fuck..." He mumbled under his breath and Finney groaned, looking between Robin, the window, and... the cord.

Suddenly an idea popped into his head. H grabbed both ends of the cord and tied a knot with them right above his waist. He tugged on it a few times, just to see if it would hold, and it did, well, in the beginning.

Finney stepped up on the knot and was able to climb his way up to the windowsill and reach through the metal bars. He reached through and moved his hands around, trying to find the latch to the window and push it open.

He found it and grabbed hold of it, feeling around until he pushed it up a bit, through it still didn't open the window as the metal bars holding the cord, fell loose.

Finney tumbled to the ground and the metal clanged on the concrete. Robin let out a loud gasp and rushed over to Finney who was now laying on the ground, groaning in pain. "Fuck, Finn! I-I'm sorry, are you okay?" He asked frantically and Finney slowly sat up straight, a little dazed from the fall ok his head "I...I think I...need to sit down..." He mumbled  and got up, brushing himself up. It was still light out, but Robin understood where he was coming from and nodded, sitting down next to Finney on the matress.


Maybe around 20 minutes later, Robin had actually fallen asleep first, but Finney, he hadn't. His head was pounding and his whole body seemed to ache.

He tugged on the blanket a bit, causing Robin to groan and roll over, draping his arm over Finney waist. He gave a sharp inhaled and tense up a bit, it caught him off guard, though soon enough he began to relax. It felt... better, safer, it already felt better knowing Robin was there, and that he'd be here this whole time.

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