Chapter Four

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       He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out but a barely audible noise. He was, well at first, he was relieved, but now, now it started to set in. Finney Blake, the small boy who hardly knew how to defend himself, stand up for himself even, was now stuck with him.

The 'toughest kid in school' since the disappearance of 'Pinball Vance Hopper' last spring. The boy who thought he could take on anyone and come out perfectly fine, yet he had been stuck down here for three days, his body still hurt from the terrible terrible things the man had done to him whilst he was knocked out cold, and his arm was... well it was not in good condition.

Lazily wrapped in bandages and tape to form a makeshift cast which the man only had mere minutes to make whilst Robin limp body was on the very mattress he sat on now. The accidental mutilation that had occured during the acts of the kidnapping, and the lack of strength the boy had. The only thing he had eaten for the past three days was a singular plate full of eggs and a completely flat soda left by assailant while he was sleeping.

Robin was terrified, not for his sake, but for Finney. If he had not managed to make any progress within the three days he had been kept here, so what would happen to Finney? Now, Robin did not think Finney couldn't do it on his own, Robin knew Finney was capable of so much more if he tried, but he also knew Finney did not think this way, he thought the opposite, as long as Robin was there Finney would rely on him, but Robin couldn't be the one to do it for him this time.


"Yeah." Robin finally said in a shake voice and Finney sighed in relief once again. ,"I... I just-" he started, but was interrupted by a loud noise that pierced throught the almost silent room. It was... ringing... the ringing if a phone. Finney looked around frantically but Robin just groaned "Shut up..." He muttered and leaned his head back.

The phone had been ringing for the past three days, a few times a day. It was, it was terribly annoying but no matter what it kept ringing. He answered one time just to find nothing on the other end. It was... broken?" That's what he thought at least, because it just kept ringing every single day, but there was always nothing.

"It doesn't work." He said as Finney got up and walked over to the black phone on the wall he had just discovered and  had takenit off the hook. "Have you tried it?" he asked slowly, realizing how stupid the question sounded. "Of course I have!" Robin said rather quickly, but keeping his voice at a harsh whisper just in case

"Right..." Finney mumbled and put the phone back in the hook, not only did the only form of communication they had not work, but the words just filled him with a sense of dread. Finney was already starting to miss home, who wouldn't? Those words only further reminded him about that conversation he had with his sister, how badly he had wanted to find Robin then, or at least see him, and now that he had, he just wanted to go home

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