♡Chapter 1♡

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-Did you really think I needed you?..

Amelia: but..you said you loved me..

-I only used you to get close to the girl you sit next to in 1st period. You are nothing to me.

Amelia: wha- how.. why me...

-You were meant to be used, its that simple.

Amelia: n-no you're wrong..


(Watson wakes up in shock)

Ame: Huh..wha..

Kiara: Geez Ame don't fall asleep in class anymore your grades will continue dropping.

Ame: Sorry Kiara.. I didn't get enough sleep last night..

Kiara: Make sure you get some sleep tonight then so that you have enough energy tomorrow!!!

Ame: huh?.. Tomorrow?..What's tomorrow?

Kiara: It's the field trip silly!! how could you forget?

Ame: Ah.. right..

(Bell rings)

Kiara: well I'll see you in lunch I have to get to class now.

Ame: Alright see you..

(Amelia on her way to her next class)

(Opens locker)

Ame pov: Kiara is right..I need to pay attention in class my grades keep dropping a lot.

(Grabs books and closes locker)

-in the classroom-

Amelia's pov: The day just started and I already feel tired.

-Ame puts her head down and closes her eyes.-

-??? Whisper: Hey isn't that the girl that used Mark?

-??? Whisper: I heard she only used him for money and then dated his best friend after.

-???: Geez who would do such thing like that. Poor Mark..

Ame pov: These people only judge by what they hear without even knowing the person.. they're all stupid..

Gura: You know if you're going to be talking loud about someone you might as well tell them in their face.

-???: S-sorry we didn't know she was there..*giggles*

Gura: So stupid.

Amelia's pov: who was that?.. who..

(Ame feels tap on shoulder)

Gura: Hey if you know they're talking bad about you why don't you stand up for yourself?

Ame:... huh..

Gura: personally I wouldn't let that slide haha

Amelia's pov: who is this person?..Why is she talking to me?.. why is she standing up for me?..

Gura: Helloooo? You got a name?

Ame: Huh.. uh.. Amelia..Watson..

Gura: ohhhh cool name I like it! I'll call you Watson hehe.

Ame: what's yours?..

Gura: A! That's right sorry My name is Gwar Gura!!

(Teacher walks in)

Gura: well see you around Watson!

(Students go into their assigned seats.)

Amelia's pov: wow... she was.. but.. why?..

-class goes by and its lunch time Amelia is with Kiara and Calli at a lunch table-

Kiara: So.. what you're telling me is that you met a cute girl and she stood up for you?.

Ame: pretty much..

Calli: what's her name?

Ame: huh I think it was Gwar Gura?

Kiara: HUH?! GURA?!

Calli: do you really have to scream it to the world?..

Kiara: Sorry calli haha.. anyways you met Gura?!

Ame: yeah..what about it?

Kiara: don't you know she's really popular here in school? All of the people here admire her because of the way of life she's in.

Ame: is she like rich or something?

Calli: pretty much

Ame: Ahh I see now..

Kiara: I heard that her father's company is really popular nowadays-

(Milk gets poured on Amelia's head.)





-Amelia runs to the bathroom-

Kiara: Ame wait!-

Calli: how dare you do that to her you fucking bitches!

(Ame in the bathroom.)

Amelia's pov:... Why... What did I do wrong?.. I..

(Ame starts to tear up)

Amelia's pov: what did I wrong to provoke them?..

Ame: Am I.. perhaps the problem..
(Feels tap on head)

(Ame looks up)

Gura: huh.. oh I thought you had fallen asleep in here. Hey... why are you crying?

Amelia's pov: ..why is she here again. Why should I even tell her what's wrong?..why does she care?

Gura: You don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable telling me, but I suggest you take out whatever you're holding in that big chest of yours.

Ame: These people.. are too much.

Gura: what people? Huh?

Ame: Why are you here... aren't you too popular to be wasting your time on someone like me?

Gura: Hmm I don't know I just came in here to wash my hands. Hehe

Ame: Maybe you should hurry up, you don't want to keep them waiting.

Gura: hmm I don't want to. So.. are you going to tell me what's wrong or are you just going to sit there crying?

Ame: -sigh- two girls poured milk on my head is that all you want to hear? Go ahead and laugh too if you want.

Gura: laugh? Why would you think I would laugh at that dummy

Ame: who wouldn't?

Gura: I wouldn't duhh

Ame: ...

Gura: here

-Gura gives Ame paper towels-

Ame: thanks..

Gura: You're welcome, now then just because you feel that the world is against you doesn't mean you should shut everyone out. You're a sun that hasn't found its sunshine yet. Also don't stay quiet, stand up for yourself or else you'll let them eat you up.

Ame: huh...

Gura: well I gotta go now Watson! Make sure you change clothes I'll see you later bye byeeee

-Gura walks out of the restroom-

Ame: why.. why is she so..


Hope you guys liked the first chapter of my story^^ I will try to update as much as I can. Anyways I'll see you guys later

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