♡Chapter 5♡

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Gura: So... How ya doin?

Ame:...Does it look like I'm doing good?

Gura: Haha I'm just messing with you

-Gura sits closer to Ame-

Gura: Here.

Ame: huh?..

Gura: Just like you lend me your shoulder, I'll lend you mine this time.

Ame: but.. im not sleepy..

Gura: Just put your head in my shoulder and let it out. There is no point in having it all stored up.


-A few minutes passed and Ame stayed silent. She put her head on Gura's shoulder and slowly let her tears drop.-

-With Kiara, Calli, and Ina-

Calli: What are they doing?

Kiara: I guess Gura is comforting Ame?

Ina: Don't worry Gura knows what she's doing.

Calli: How do you know?

Ina: She helped me before..

Calli: I see then.

Kiara: We shouldn't stare at them too much we need to decide how are we going to sleep!~

Calli: Hey ina...Can you do me a big favor?

Ina: uhhh what is it?..

Calli: Please sleep with me...

Ina: h-huh...

Calli: please! I don't want to sleep with Kusotori!

Kiara: Too bad Calli, You and I are sleeping in the same bed!

Calli: NO PLEASE!!

-Back with Ame and Gura-

-An hour had passed by and Ame was starting to calm down already.-

Ame: Thanks... ahem..

Gura: Can you tell me about yourself?

Ame: What do you want to know?..

Gura: You know like your past, your favorite things etc.

Ame: Why now?..

Gura: Just curious hehe

Ame: Welp I guess you could say I was a more open back when I was little..as j grew up I got in a relationship with someone that was heartless and disappointing. After we broke up he started spreading rumors about me and the whole school became hell for me..

Gura: Is it about that Mark guy?..

Ame: Yeah..

Gura: To be honest. Its his lost, you're very cute.


Gura: I wish I could be able to have dated my crush.

Ame: You have one?

Gura: I had one.. She was my best friend..

Ame: Oh I see... may I know who it is?

-Gura turns around and looks at Ina-

Gura: Her...

Ame: Ina?...

Gura: Yeah..

Ame: What happened?

Gura: Well after I confessed my feelings for her.. she told me she liked someone else.. I wanted her to be happy so I just told her it was a joke.

Ame: You still love her don't you..

Gura: Not really.. but when I think about it, it just takes me back to that day.. Sorry I'm supposed to be helping you and I'm over here ranting about myself..

-Ame hugs Gura-

Ame: I'm not really the best at comforting people...but I hope this hug helps.

-Gura hugs Ame back-

Gura: Thanks Watson..

-After they chatted for a while they talked about their life and things they liked. It was getting late already so they had to go back inside.-

Gura: Yo! We are bac-


-Calli throws a pillow at Kiara-

Kiara: WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN!! IM JUST GIVING YOU MY LOVE -Kiara throws a pillow at Calli-

Ina: ah.. they been fighting for 30 minutes now

Ame: Geez they act like little kids

Gura: I wanna join!! Ame and Ina let's join in too!!

-Gura hands Ame a pillow and Ina got the one that was close to her. They played for a while until they felt tired.-

Calli: Let's admit it.. I won this battle.

Gura: No I did! I knocked down You and Ina!!

Kiara: I kept getting hit by Ame!

Ame: You seemed like the easiest target that's why.

Ina: I tried to go towards Ame but when she swing to hit Kiara she hit me too hehe.

Gura: Im tired~ I want to sleep!

Calli: Lets do a spinning wheel whoever gets chosen has to share a bed with someone the last person standing get the extra bed to themselves deal?

Ame: Sounds good

-Calli plays the spinning wheel on her phone the first person was... Amelia!-

Ame: I don't mind sharing

-The next person was..Kiara?!-

Kiara: Yay!! AmEeEeEe and I share a bed!~

-The next person was..Calli-

Calli: Welp at least I'm safe from sleeping with Kusotori.

-The next person was...Ina-

Ina: Alright then

Calli: by all means Gura you get a bed for yourself!!

Gura: ehh?! Whyyyy?! I wanna sleep with someone too!

-Ame was already getting comfy in her bed, suddenly Gura jumps on her-

Gura: Sleep with me im lonely!!!

Ame: eh..

Kiara: Hey! Ame sleeping with me!

Gura: You go with Calli! Ame is warm!

-They argued for a bit until the 3 of them decided to sleep together. Luckily the bed was big enough to fit all of them.-

Gura: Ame I'm cold..

Ame: I should have an extra blanket in my bag do you want me to get it?

Gura: Nah.

-Gura gets close to Ame and Slips under her blanket-

Gura: There! Hehe

-Ame with a flustered face just buried her face on the pillow-

Kiara: Hey! Are you two flirting?!


Gura: NO!

Kiara: I can't believe you guys are flirting without me 😔

-kiara gets closer to Ame from behind. So now Ame had Gura in front of her and Kiara in the back.-

Ame: This.. is gonna be a problem.


Sorry for the late update I had some things to do, anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter^^

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