♡Chapter 11♡

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Gura: the wind feels nice from up here, I like it.

Ame: yeah..

Gura: Watson, do you think..Ina could change her mind..

Ame: Hm? What do you mean?

Gura: Yk... her accepting my feelings..

Ame: I can't really say much.. But uhh don't lose hope.

Gura: I guess so.. hey Watson, what was your first love like?

Ame: uhh.. It was uh ok I guess-

Gura: did something happened?

Ame: Not really we just had to break up because they moved away.

Gura: I see.. why is love so hard?

Ame: Why are you asking me this?

Gura: I don't know..for some reason you keep me calm.

Ame: I do?

Gura: Yeah, the way you listen to me ranting about things that have probably nothing to do with you, but either way you still listen it kinda comforts me.

Ame: I see then, Im not really much of an open person but I like to listen a lot so I guess I see your point.

Gura: Yeah, thank you though

Ame: No need for that haha we're friends after all right?

Gura: Yeah! But still sometimes I even get annoyed at myself for talking a lot.

Ame: Some of the things you say are interesting or funny so I don't mind it.

Gura: Really? So if I were to talk about feet would you be interested?


Gura: Im joking hahha!!

Ame: Anyways- what now?

Gura: We breathe.

Ame: Yes.

-With Calli and Kiara-

Calli: How come Ame isn't here? Doesn't she have gym with us?

Kiara: Well she did say she didn't get any sleep so she probably left home?

Calli: Let's hope she feels well then

???: Kiara-san Would you like to partner with me to do stretches?

Kiara: uhh-

Calli: Sorry dude. She already has one.

???: I see then bye!

Calli: How come so many people know you?

Kiara: probably from dance class-

Calli: You're in dance?! How come you didn't tell me?

Kiara: uhh because it's embarrassing..

Calli: Are you going to preform anytime soon?

Kiara: Hmm?~ are you going to come see me?~


Kiara: Hahaha! I'm just messing with ya, anyways I probably am who knows?

Calli: Tell me if you are so that Watson and I can go cheer for you.

Kiara: hmm I'll think about it.

-back with Gura and Watson-

Gura: hey Watson

Ame: hm?

Gura: Are you planning to going to homecoming this year?

Ame: hmm I don't know seems like a drag.

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