♡Chapter 15♡

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-During class Ame was using her phone under the desk, she was texting Gura asking her if she wanted to tag along for lunch.-

-Ame: Hey Gura I got invited out to eat with Akari, would you like to tag along?

-Gura: Uhh..I don't know, I think I might have some work.

-Ame: Can't you do that later tho?

-Gura: it's for student council.

-Ame: I see then, If you want to tag along we'll be meeting at the entrance.

-Gura: okay have fun.

-Ame knew Gura seemed down, so she didn't want to push it much.-

Ame: psst! Akari..

Akari: huh?

Ame: I don't think Gura will be joining us for lunch.

Akari: I see then, so just the two of us then?

Ame: yeah.

-Class was over, Akari and Ame went to their lockers, they would meet up at the entrance to get going.-

Ame: geez this locker is always so fucking hard to open sometimes-

Calli: Yo!

Kiara: Ame!

Ame: huh? Oh! Hey guys

Kiara: Wanna join us for lunch?

Ame: uhh I'd love to but I'm going to eat with one of my classmates, im meeting her at the entrance.

Calli: Alright then, make sure you come back safe Watson.

Ame: I will, bye now!

-Ame was making her way to the entrance, but was stopped when she saw Gura with Mumei and Kronii.-

Kronii: Hey there cuz!

Mumei: oh hi!


Ame: hey guys! I'll talk to you guys later I have to get going now!

-Kronii, Mumei, and Gura watched Ame leave.-

Kronii: so What's up?

Gura: wdym?.

Mumei: did you two get in a fight?

Gura: no...

Muemi: then?

Gura: She's just going to eat with one of her classmates its nothing.

Kronii: ohh~ I see~ I smell jealousy spreading through the air, right Mumei?

Mumei: You can smell jealousy?

Gura: Im not jealous!

Kronii: I never said it was you! Hahaha

Gura: Screw you!

Mumei: Are you sure you're not jealous of Amelia, Gura?

Gura: No why would I? It's not like their together or anything.

-After lunch time Gura noticed Ame and Akari entering the school. Ame was laughing at jokes Akari was making while they walked.-

Ame: pfft- You're really good with the Deez Nuts jokes aren't you?

Akari: I learned them all from my brothers Hehe

Ame: I'll make sure to come up with a comeback next time!

Akari: Sure you will!

Ame: I'll see you later Akari

Akari: Bye Ame

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