♡Chapter 6♡

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Ame: um..help Calli and Ina.

Calli:... have a nice sleep Ame!

Ina: ah.. I don't think I can help in that situation sorry.

-Ame was still stuck with Gura and Kiara being so close to her. She didn't mind having Kiara behind her but Gura was really close to her face it made her blush a little bit.-

Kiara: Goodnight girls!

Gura: Goodnight everyone!

Calli: Night guys

Ina: Sleep night.


-A few minutes passed and it felt hot. Kiara moved away from Ame and faced the other side which made Ame glad she couldn't stay in the same position for the whole night.-

Amelia's pov: Finally..

-Ame faces Gura, seeing her sleeping on her shoulder made her heart skip a beat. It didn't last long before Ame got some sleep.-

-In the Morning~-

Kiara: Mmm~ Morning everyone..

-Kiara noticed her and Ame woke up earlier than everyone.-

Kiara: Eh?.. they're still asleep?

Ame: Yeah..

Kiara: did you get any sleep?

Ame: I did for like 2 or 3 hours..but then I woke up and couldn't sleep anymore..

Kiara: Yikes.. if you want, I can tell the teacher you'll be staying to rest?

Ame: Nah im..-yawns- I'm fine..

Kiara: well..try to get some rest later then.

Ame: I will..

-Kiara noticed Calli and Ina slept on different beds since Gura went to sleep with Ame. Kiara gets up from her bed and makes her way to Calli's. She slowly slipped into her bed and lay down next to her and put her blanket on.-

-Ame knew Kiara was messing with Calli so she didn't bother asking what she was doing. She used her phone while the others where asleep and started to listen to music while reading her favorite book. It was about this really popular investigator that finds clues and catches criminals.-

-Gura was the next one to wake up after she felt cold.-

Gura: Mm..Moring...-yawns-

-Gura noticed Ame sitting on the couch while she's reading her book. She grabs her blanket and goes to join Ame in the couch.-

Ame: Ah..Morning

Gura: Morning Watson..

Ame: How did you sleep?

Gura: I was sleeping so good until I felt cold and woke up.

Ame: Sorry is it because I got up from bed?

Gura: I guess so but its fine I managed to get some sleep.

Ame: -Yawns- well..that's good..

Gura: Did you get any sleep?

Ame: Yeah just a little bit tho

-Gura takes away Ame's book and wraps her into the blanket too.-

Gura: Get some sleep because its going to be a long day you know.

Ame: Don't worry I'll be fine. If I feel tired then I'll ask if I can head back.

Gura: nope. Sleep now

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