♡Chapter 12♡

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-Ame got home and got her stuff ready, she took a blanket, pillow, clothes, and school clothes, hair brush, etc. Once she was done she grabbed her cell phone.-

Ame: I should call her I have everything ready.

-Ame calls Gura-

Gura: Hello?..

Ame: uh hey, I have everything ready is it okay for me to head over there already?

Gura: yeah sure I'll wait for you at the entrance.

Ame: Alright then cya

Gura: bye.

-Ame hangs up and grabs her bag and leaves her house. After 20 minutes later she arrived to Gura's house. It was a little bit and really modern.-

Ame's pov: no wonder she's popular in school.

-Ame rings the door bell.-

???: Who's this?

Ame: Uhh I'm Amelia Watson, Gura invited me over.

???: Wait a moment please.

Gura: Sup Stinky come on in!

-The door was open by itself, which surprised Ame a bit.-

Gura: Yo

Ame: Your house sure is big huh

Gura: Yeah but its really boring once you live here.

Ame: I see then.

Gura: why are you still outside? Come in

Ame: right.

-Ame walks inside and Gura closes the door.-

Gura: Alright then! First things first, We'll play some video games in the room and then we have dinner and from there on I don't know.

Ame: Alright then sounds good.

-Gura took Ame to her room.-

Ame: Ooo your room is nice

Gura: thank you I designed it myself since my dad wanted me to have some weird things in it.

Ame: I see then lol I like how you have a small tank in here, the fishes look cute!

Gura: their names are Jimmy, Nicole, and Nana.

Ame: Hehe the name Nana is funny

Gura: I named it after my cousin, her name is Nanashi Mumei. We sound alike but we look different.

Ame: does she live close to you or far away?

Gura: she lives at least 30 or 40 minutes away from here but she goes to another school because of her girlfriend.

Ame: girlfriend? Really?

Gura: yeah, but its not like she's forcing her she just want to.

Ame: I see then, most of my family lives away from here, I go visit them once in a while I guess.

Gura: Why do you live alone? If you don't mind me asking.

Ame: It's nothing personal or anything, just wanted to get out of that house.

Gura: to be independent or something?

Ame: hmm I guess so, I do love my parents but sometimes they can be a little heavy on me.

Gura: Oh I see, do you like living alone?

Ame: hmm yes and no, its quite but a bit lonely.

Gura: right I get ya. Do you have any siblings or something?

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