♡Chapter 3♡

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-Amelia's phone starts ringing-

Ame: huh.. who would be calling me right now?

-Ame answers the phone-

Ame: Hello?..

-???: Did you really think I would fall for that joke.

Ame: What joke? Who's this?..

-???: don't play stupid Amelia. Its me Mark.

Ame: W-what how did-

-???: You know that you only belong to me Amelia. If you don't want your little friend to get hurt I suggest you stay away from her.

Ame:... No. I'm sick of you! You're the reason why my life is like this!!! -Ame starts to tear up- IF ONLY I WOULDN'T HAVE NEVER DATED YOU MY LIFE WOULD BE FINE!!

-Ame hangs up the call and blocks number-

-She closes her eyes and slowly falls asleep-

-Around 6 am-

-Ame's phone starts ringing and Ame wakes up-

Ame: ugh... huh.. Kiara?..

-Ame answers the phone-

Ame: it's fucking 6 in the morning why are you calling me at this time.

Kiara: Hellooooo! Sorry I woke you Ame hehe

Ame: do you need anything?

Kiara: I was gonna ask you if you have everything ready for the field trip.

Ame: I do i just need few more things but I can do that when I wake up.

Kiara: Alright then sounds great!! I'm so excited!!

Ame: Goodnight.

-Ame hangs up the phone and goes back to bed-

-in the morning-

Ame was done getting her things ready for the trip. She wasn't really excited about the whole bus thing and too many people but it wouldn't be bad to step out for a bit.

She noticed it was already late and she needed to head out of the house already.

-with Kiara and Calli-

Kiara: Ame is running a bit late.

Calli: Maybe she overslept?

Kiara: Let's hope she makes it on time

Calli: We never know if she's going to come or not after what happened yesterday..

Kiara: I want this trip to be able to help Ame out, to make good memories and fun activities!

Calli: Yeah

-Ame opens the classroom door and quickly goes toward Kiara and Calli-

Ame: Sorry I'm a bit late I had to make sure I had everything with me.

Kiara: It's fine we're glad you made it just in time! -Kiara hugs Ame-

Calli: Sup my dude, ready for some fun?

Ame: I guess so..

Calli: that's some spirit

Teacher: Alright everyone listen up! As all of you may know today is the field trip. Before we leave we must go through the rules and safety rules.

-As they went through the rules they each got a bus seat number. Kiara and Calli seat next to each other and Ame seats behind them but she doesn't know who her seating partner will be.-

Kiara: Hey calli~

Calli: Go away.

Kiara: Aww~ don't be so cold to me~

Calli: Kusotori!

-Ame was hearing them argue which made her giggle a bit-

-Gura's pov-

Gura: I was so excited for the trip I didn't get a wink of sleep last night.. AaaAAaa

Ina: You can sleep on the way to our destination.

Gura: hmm but what if we don't sit next to each other?

Ina: Then.. You're going to have to suffer hehe

-The teacher hand them out their bus seat-

Gura: So what ya got?

Ina: #167, you?

Gura: Aw man! #138

Ina: maybe we can change numbers with someone or-

Gura: Nah it's fine we can't risk getting in trouble.

Ina: If you say so.

-Now back to Ame-

Ame was now laying her head on the window as she watched Students get in their busses.

Ame: At what time do we leave?

Kiara: 9:00

Ame: These people sure do like to take their time huh.

-Ame sits down-


-Ame faces Gura in confusion-

Ame: o-oh..

Gura: What?

Ame: Are you my partner?

Gura: My number is #138 what seat is this?

Ame: mine is #137 so I guess you do go here.

Gura: Yay!! I was so nervous of getting someone I didn't know phew...

Ame: im pretty sure you'll make friends with them either way.

Gura: probably hehe~

Kiara: Ame help~

Ame: what the-

Kiara: Calli won't stop touching me~

Calli: I haven't even been an inch closer to you-

Kiara: Ahh~

Calli: Shut up!

Ame: Hahahahha

Gura: Who are they?

Ame: Ah those are my friends Kiara and Calli.

Gura: ooh I wanna meet them-

Kiara: Ahh Calli~

Calli: AME HELP!

Ame: Sorry she's your wife not mine


-A while passed by and they were already on the road Ame likes seeing the window so she mostly didn't talk much until-

Gura: -Yawns- I'm..so sleepy

Ame: You didn't get enough sleep?

Gura: Yeah.. I was so excited I couldn't sleep..

Ame: you can use my shoulder if you want.

Gura: e-eh are you sure?

Ame: Yeah don't worry about, its the least I can do for you after what you did yesterday.

Gura: Thank you Ame~

-Gura places her head on Amelia's shoulder and little by little she falls asleep.-

Ame pov: Wow she sure was tired huh.. she smells nice though- and her hair seems really soft..

- Without even realizing Ame placed her head on Gura's and fell asleep.-


Helo!!! I forgot to work on this since last night but here you go! Hope you like it!! Bye byeeee

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