♡Chapter 29♡

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Gura: Watson

Ame: what

Gura: Watsonnnn

Ame: yes?

Gura: Watsonnnnnnnn

Ame: Yes?

Gura: U suk.

Ame: Bye.

Gura: hehhehheheeeee you can't leave yet.

Ame: why not?

Gura: because as you girlfriend I say so.

Ame: and who are you to tell me what to do loser?

*Ame was still on the floor while Gura was sitting next to her, Gura then moves towards Ame and sits on her lap*

Gura: can't go anywhere now.

Ame: Really?

Gura: Yep.

Ame: Alright then.

Ame wrapped her hands around Gura's belly and rested her head on Gura's back.

Gura: H-hey!

Ame placed small kisses on Gura shoulder all the way to her neck.

Gura: W-watson what are you- Hey!

She noticed Gura was getting embarrassed and continued going towards her ear placing small pecks.


Gura tried to move but Ame still had her wrapped up.

Ame: where ya going?

Gura: Away from you!

Ame: Whyyy


Ame let's go of Gura and Gura instantly moved, Watson would just laugh at her as she fell.

Gura: I hate u.

Ame: no u love me.

Gura: not anymore.

Ame: okai byee~

Gura: No.

Ame: pff-

Gura: lets do something im bored.

Ame: what ya wanna do?

Gura: hmm Let's play Minecraft and then we can watch a movie!

Ame: what type of movie do you want to watch?

Gura: I don't know you pick.

Ame: hhehehhe alright then

Gura:...it better not be scary.

Ame: hehehehehehhe

Gura got up to get the controllers and turn on the console.

They played Minecraft for 2 hours, they made a small house. Ame's inventory was full of flowers that Gura kept giving her. Whenever she would find a flower she'd give it to Ame.

Gura: Look this flower is blue! It's so precious!!

Ame: its pretty

Gura: here hold it.

Ame: uhmm my inventory is full..

Gura: mkay then just leave it, we'll find another one later.

Ame then threw her iron pickaxe to a nearby lava and picked up the flower.

Gura: WHY?!

Ame: You really like this flower so might as well take it.

Gura: but your pickaxe, don't worry I'll get it for u-

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