♡Chapter 4♡

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Kiara: Aww~ look at them!

Calli: Be quite you don't want to wake them up.

Kiara: Hehe they look so adorable~

-After they got to their destination Amelia woke up first-

Ame: mhm..

Kiara: Morning Ame

Calli: hey man how was your sleep?

Ame: For how long did I sleep for?

-Ame then faces Gura who was still asleep-

Ame's pov: wow she must've been really tired.

Kiara: You slept all the entire way to our destination

Ame: So we are here?

Calli: Yup my dude

Kiara: We are just waiting for the teacher to give us instructions on what we will be doing and what room we will be getting to sleep in.

Ame: I see then..

Ame: Should I wake her up?

Calli: I don't know she must be really tired huh

Kiara: You guys looks so adorable sleeping I took some pictures!

Ame: eh-

Teacher: Alright students! We have arrived at our first destination I will be going around giving you guys your room number for the hotel we will be staying in. Make sure you behave and clean up after yourself, have fun and always stay in groups so that none of you get lost.

-While the teacher goes around giving the numbers Gura slowly wakes up-

Gura: Mhmm..

Ame: Ah- hello..

Gura: I feel like I took a really good nap.. -Yawn and stretches-

Ame: Im glad you got to sleep.

Gura: Thanks again

Ame: No problem, by the way the teacher is giving us our room number for the hotel.

Gura: What- we are here already?!

Ame: Yeah, we pretty much slept the whole way

Gura: ehh..

-the teacher hand calli, Kiara, Gura, and Ame their numbers.-

Kiara: #208


-Kiara giggles-

Ame: #208 we have the same room guys

Gura: I also have #208

Kiara: im so glad we got the same room!

Calli: Ame you'll sleep with me im scared Kusotori might try something.

Ame: Huh why me?

Kiara: oh cmon Calli I promise I'll hold myself back~


Ame: we are supposed to be 5 people in the room so we are missing one more person.

Kiara: let's hope they are nice

- Once they got off the bus they grabbed their stuff and went to find the room they got, It was at the second floor-

Kiara: Ooh~ this is nice!

Gura: we even have a balcony! Yay!

Calli: Thank God there are 3 beds

Ame: let's put away our stuff in the closet-

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