♡Chapter 21♡

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It is now Monday again, everyone favorite day. Where they get to go to schoo-


Kronii covers Mumei's mouth

Kronii: Shhh Mumei! Be quite its way too early in the morning!

As Kronii tried to keep Mumei quite she noticed Gura.

Kronii: Yo! white hair shortie

Gura: hey guy- why are you covering Mumei's mouth?

Mumei: she's trying to kidnap me help.

Kronii: no im not- anyways where's Ame?

Gura: I dunno, I was about to ask you guys the same thing

Mumei: hmm we haven't seen her arrive yet, maybe she's late?

Gura: wouldn't be impressed if she is.

As they talked with each other, Ame finally arrived but Akari was with her. They were laughing at something together as they walked in. Gura recognized the laugh and turned to see from where it came from.

Ame: Ahahahha that video was hilarious!

Akari: I know right?! The way the girl just stood up like nothing happened Ahahhaha!

Kronii looked at Gura who didn't take her eyes off them as they passed by.

Kronii: Jealous?

Gura: huh?! Why would I?!

Kronii: If you don't take action, someone will end up taking Ame away

Gura: Watson and I are just friends. There's no way we can be anything more than that.

Mumei: You sure about that? Are you just fine with being her "Friend"?

Gura:....I- yes- no- yes- I don't know!

Kronii: chill now, don't break your head. It takes time to realize you've fallen in love with someone.

Mumei: yeah, it takes time and patience. So I would say it's better to get to know more about her first.

Gura: But, I don't know if I have those feelings towards Ame, I mean sure sometimes it bothers me when she's with someone else. But I can't do anything about it since its Ame's life.

Kronii: oh you poor girl, what are we gonna do with you?

-Bell rings-

Mumei: welp don't stress too much of it, like I said it takes time and patience Gura.

Kronii: yeah, We'll see you around shortie

Gura: Alright bye guys see ya!

First class went by fast, Gura didn't pay much attention in class.

???: Gura senpai is something wrong?

Gura: hm? Not really why?

???: we've noticed you've been spacing out too much, is something or someone bothering you?

???: We haven't seen you with the blonde hair girl today, did you two fight?

Gura: of course not, she's probably busy with stuff and don't worry im fine. I probably didn't get enough sleep.

???: that's terrible, make sure you rest when you get home

???: yeah! Your body must stay healthy

Gura: thank you for your concern, I gotta go now.

???: Aww okay bye senpai take care!

???: See ya later Gura senpai!

Gura walked away from the group and headed to her locker. She opened it and grabbed some books she will need for her next class.

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