Chapter One | The aftermath of Dennis

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After many, many months of an intense and a terrifying series of terror and abuse, you have finally decided enough was enough. The most disturbing characteristics from this relationship you maintained was the need for "respect". Whilst on the other hand, Dennis was enjoying tormenting you and abusing you. One night, this included him waving a breadknife at you after having a minor disagreement. Well. Seemed minor to you, but for Dennis? It was the end of the world. 

When you first met up together, he was a proper charmer. Brown hair, bright blue eyes, smooth white chocolate skin, straight long face. His appearance never gave anything away. You still even to this day do not forgive yourself for trusting him, and taking him on board. What the fuck were you thinking.

But never mind about the past, just look forward to the future.

10th June 2002, Derry 08:46

It was a bright, beautiful morning. And the birds were chirping. The peace and quiet surrounding your new home was nothing short of a home worth staying. You were glad that you made this choice. 

Opening up the blinds, you sighed happily to yourself and watched the dew slowly beginning to lift it's presence that cascaded it's form since really early in the morning. How relaxing. 

[yawning] "I must get Pippin out to the toilet." (Y/N) said to yourself and headed out of the bedroom. As you descended down the staircase, you could hear the sound of traffic from a far enough distance. You stopped for a brief moment and watched on as cars, buses and lorries were ascending up the hill ahead. You then returned to your senses and headed into the kitchen.

This is your dog, Pippin.

"Come on puppy! Out to the toilet!" (Y/N) exclaimed and opened the door wide open

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"Come on puppy! Out to the toilet!" (Y/N) exclaimed and opened the door wide open. This was shortly followed by the sound of jingle bells sound and then Pippin escorted himself out into the backyard. You proceeded to the cupboards to put out the kettle when all of a sudden, you took an awful headache and then you fall to the ground...


The room was dark. Very dark. Even the streetlights you would be able to see from here were turned off. Seriously. What the hell is going on. You tried to pull yourself together and get up, when suddenly... you can hear a man whistling. And in your own home. As the darkness lifted by a dim level, you thought you could see a shadow directly in front of you...

"Hello?! Who's There?!" You called out. 

And then...

a young, tall man poked his head out from behind the corner and said: "Alright pet?". "Wha...?" You asked yourself nervously as he was staring at you from the far end of the room. "What are you doing?" you asked again. "I was just on my way to the toilet, babe." he replied. 

"No.... You need... You need to... go." You answered.

"I was actually hoping I could explain everything." he said. "GET OUT!" (Y/N) snapped. "You really hurt me Leah..." the man with pink and purple jacket on and trousers said. And then...

He took hold of a frying pan and sprint towards you. "WOULD YOU LIKE SOME BACON?!" He shouted. "Oh shit!" (Y/N) exclaimed and tried to get up. But then, he pulled you back and then... you saw... 


"You stupid woman. There is a murderer  out there. Sat right under your nose all this time. And the award for the most gullible old fool goes to..." Dennis spoke. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" (Y/N) cried. 

"Leah Bagasa..." Dennis added, tormenting you with his deep terrifying voice.

Back to reality

You woke up to the sound of your dog, barking at someone who appeared to be knocking on your door for quite some time. "I'm coming! I'm coming! Just give me a second." (Y/N) exclaimed and rushed your way to the front door. You opened it up to see a postman in front of you holding a parcel. "Delivery for Miss Bagasa." the kind man spoke and handed it over to you. "Thank you very much." you added. "you're welcome. Bye bye!" he exclaimed and walked away.

The minute you returned to the kitchen, you just then suddenly dropped to the floor... and then the contents began to spill out. After that horrifying flashback, you really do not know what to do. It's like as if Dennis is really watching you. Even from the grave itself...

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