Chapter Five | Stalking

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The evening turned into a pretty shit one. The rain was pouring, the thunder was as loud like a train rattling the line, and the wind was howling like a mane wolf. As the time passed by, the storm seemed to be getting worse and worse by the minute. (Y/N) was pulling on your coat as you are ready to head out for the evening meal. And then, as you were going to head into the kitchen to collect some things, your phone suddenly buzzed.

"Huh. What the heck?" (Y/N) asked yourself as you head over to the coffee table to pick it up. You opened up the notification, and it says: I saw you walking to your house after getting out of the car. "Huh?" (Y/N) said and dropped the phone. What the hell. How the hell did they just know they spotted you getting out of the car? 

Well, no matters anyway since it's almost time to go. (Y/N) grabbed hold of your car keys and purse. Pulling your wooly coat over you, you then yawned with exhaustion and then headed out to the car. The rain was heavier than before. It was so thick, it is making it physically difficult to see anything 10 feet ahead. But you ain't going to let that stop you from going to the dinner tonight.

As you were getting to sit into the driver's seat, you then felt suddenly unsettled by the sound of thud hitting the curb on the far right. "Um... Hello?" (Y/N) asked nervously. But silence remains. Although you only got in the car 2 minutes, (Y/N) was panicking radically. Who the fuck could be following you right now? you asked to yourself as you shut the door. You were rubbing at your eyes just as you were going to turn on your engine. 

Suddenly... you caught glimpse of a shadow sprint across the road...

So (Y/N) didn't waste any more time and drove away. 

35 minutes later

(Y/N) pulled up outside of Micky's Diner. An old restaurant that has been here for a very, very long time. Apparently, it has been allegedly reported that the owners of the restaurant were previously employed by Playtime Co., the old factory in which got shut down. (Y/N) were somehow very suspicious of the employers who took over the restaurant. Maybe it's their personality, or you're probably overlooking things. 

As soon as you emerged from the comfort of your car, the logo in dimmed red lights were flickering to the interference of the storm. Probably best you head inside the building, rather than standing out and hanging around in the pissing rain. 

However, the second you stepped in, you received a new notification. "Probably Mike to say what table we're sitting at." (Y/N) spoke to yourself and hit open. 

18:56 Can you tell me the direction of Mickey's Diner please?

(Y/N)'s heart was beating dramatically. The Stalker knows you are in the restaurant. So you quickly looked for someone to help you out. "Excuse me, excuse me." (Y/N) said. "Yes? How can I help you madam?" asked the waitress. "Look, listen. I know this sounds a bit random. But, lately, or accurately in the last couple of hours, I'd been receiving these strange posts from my phone." "sorry ma'am. We don't deal with online issues. Only the police can interfere. Do you want me to call them?" the waitress added.

(inhale and exhale) "No, no. It's fine. I'm probably just... losing it. Sorry to bother you." (Y/N) said. "No problem. Anyways, what time is your table booked?" "ah... seven. I believe." (Y/N) responded. "Oh. The special business meal. Follow me on through." the lady said and headed off. (Y/N) gulped nervously and followed the waitress over to the table. A couple of minutes later, you arrived to the table where the rest of your work colleagues are sitting. 

"Hey (Y/N) How are you?" Mike asked, offering a kiss on the cheek. (Y/N) gratefully accepted the offer and allowed him to exchange. You then sat down at the table, plopping yourself down next to Una.

 You then sat down at the table, plopping yourself down next to Una

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"Hi! How are you?" Una asked and shaked hands with you. "I'm doing great, thanks. What about yourself?" (Y/N) asked. "Nothing go on. Just work, eat, sleep repeat. [chuckle]. No wonder I was looking forward to the dinner tonight! What are you thinking on getting?" Una added. "Oh me? Oh, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure. What about you?" (Y/N) asked. "to be honest, I think I'm on the same page as you are. I never plan what I'd like." Una said and unrolled her suit sleeve. (Y/N) smiled and watched on as the waitress passed out the menus.

"Where's Abigail? I'd thought she'd come tonight. She loves eating out." Una spoke. "Oh. She said she can't because she has the cold." (Y/N0 spoke. "Oh." Una added and sneaked her phone up out of her pocket. 

Then, you received a new notification from your phone. 

You turned on the screen and it said:

Vanish Besight! Vanish Begone! 

"What the hell was that?" Una asked, pointing to your phone. "I've been getting these creepy messages from an anonymous account. Someone is Stalking me." (Y/N) replied. "Holy Shit, that's been happening to me too." Una added. (Y/N) looked shocked. "You too?" (Y/N) asked. "Yep. I'm afraid so. At first, they'd claimed to have spotted me walking down the shops using their binoculars. Apparently, they'd been hanging about the car park for quite some time." Una said.  

"What happened afterwards?" (Y/N) asked. "Then the "guessed" my fucking home address. Seriously! I don't know how, I don't know where. But all I now is that it is seriously fucking creepy!"

"Yeah. No kidding..." (Y/N) said.

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