After poking and looking at the creepy eyeballs contained within an old supply crate, (Y/N) and Deborah decided to go on deep into the creepy factory. As you both walk pass, there were old, broken abandoned toys scattered everywhere. Some of which appeared to have... blood pouring from their insides. "Holy fuck, I can't look." Deborah said and covered her eyes. "What the hell?" (Y/N) asked yourself as you took a couple of steps forward closer to one of the toys.
There were heads littered over the place as well. Some contained dismembered animals in the form of rabbits, giraffes, kittens and typically other kinds of animals that you would usually find in another toy shop or factory.
Playtime Co. was like no other. Sure, it was probably a popular attraction back in the day, however, whatever the hell happened to that poor family that disappeared some many years ago have brought an end to its life of a toy factory. Maybe they took off somewhere, maybe they just left the country? While you don't know the answers to those questions, you do get the feeling that something... isn't right.
"OW!" Deborah shrieked and slipped to the ground. "Oh my gosh. Deborah, are you okay?" (Y/N) asked as you ran over towards her. "I... I'm fine." She replied, covering her knee. But (Y/N) caught red substance dripping from behind her hand. "What is that?" (Y/N) asked. "Oh. I'm only bleeding a tiny bit. I'm okay." Deborah replied. "Are you sure? Do you want me to have a look at it for you?" (Y/N) suggested. "No, it's fine. I'll just stop it flowing using my jeans." Deborah replied and covered over the bleeding stain.
Just then, there was a massive banging sound coming from the distance.
"Uh.... What the fuck was that?!" Deborah asked. (Y/N) didn't know the answer to the question. What a good question though. What the hell was that? you thought to yourself as you peeled your ears.
"Oh shit. Someone's in here." Deborah claimed. "Calm down. Don't panic." (Y/N) encouraged her. "How can I not? Those were loud. Like, really, REALLY loud." Deborah added. Not knowing what to do or what to say, you listened out very carefully to the sounds which appear to be coming from the chamber it sounds like.

Mommy Long Legs | Poppy Playtime x male reader
HorrorWARNING: Read Huggy Wuggy | Poppy Playtime x male reader first if you haven't already. Click on my username and it will take you to my profile. You are looking for Huggy Wuggy as that is the first story in the series. 15 years after the tragic inci...