Chapter Twelve | Deborah moves in

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It has been quite a difficult period for you both. The trauma Deborah experienced has somewhat linked in with the sudden vanishing of Abigail. There is nothing to point out yet, other than the strange "mommy long legs" figure "attacking" Deborah's mum. Absolute horrendous from the tales of it, you thought to yourself as you helped make Deborah her bed. 

"Would you like a cup of tea?" (Y/N) asked. "erm..." Deborah was finding it hard to fit in to someone else's house. "...yes... please." she added. "You've good manners. Quite strange to be honest, if you don't mind me saying, it's just that any other teen in these streets are pure spoilt brats crying that they didn't get things their own way." (Y/N) spoke. "I... I know. I've seen them for myself in my... previous home." Deborah said. "You want to come downstairs? I'll finish making up your bed for you." "Uh... ok." Deborah said and followed (Y/N). 

The day began with a thunderstorm this morning. The rain was heavy. The trees were going nuts, the street was flooding with water. Half of the drains were full, the water was gushing it's way down along the curbs of the footway and pieces of leaves and logs were swimming along with it. 

(Y/N) switched the kettle on and watched as the raindrops persistently splatted over the windows. "Have you had weather like this where you came from?" (Y/N) asked. "Yeah. We... we did. Really bad too." Deborah answered. "The streets were really... bad. Peoples' cars were just. floating with the water. Flowing away from peoples' sight." she added. "Tell me about it. The storms I've been having here are just awful. People could barely walk out the door." (Y/N) spoke and lifted the kettle. You started pouring the water in to the cups and then suddenly. you heard a loud: BANG! "Holy fuck, that scared the shit out of me." Deborah exclaimed. "No kidding. Good job we aren't afraid of lighting." (Y/N) said and handed the cup over to Deborah. 

As the heavy rain continued pouring down, you could hear the thunder rumbling in the distance, with bolts of lightning flashing the sky from time to time. The trees were waving in the wind as logs were snapping in half and skidding down the streets. Leaves were spiraling everywhere, scattering themselves randomly around the place, all in the eye of the storm. Deborah watched on as the storm continued its devastating impact across the community. "Th... Thank you." She spoke interrupting the awkward silence. "What? What for?" (Y/N) asked surprisingly. "For letting me stay. I... I appreciate it." Deborah added. "What? No. You don't have to thank me, I'm just glad that you're okay. On the other hand, I'm kind of glad not to be alone right now." (Y/N) spoke and walked over to the window.

Mommy Long Legs | Poppy Playtime x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now